Monday, February 18, 2019

The Florida 11-year-old arrested at school for refusing to stand for the national anthem is so ridiculous it’s literally laughable. Goes to show that not only does everyone see racism in everything these days, but also how defiant and rebellious kids are that one that young would disobey to the point that they’d allow themselves to be arrested. I believe in standing firm behind one’s beliefs, but I don’t know if I’d be willing to get locked up over something as silly as standing with my hand over my chest and reciting words I didn’t really care for or believe in.

Another black shooter too, this time in New Orleans.

Surprised Tennessee covers transgenders under their hate laws. That part of the country is usually the most hateful towards gays. I still don’t believe in the whole “hate crime” thing. I think violence is violence no matter who/why the act is carried out. All should be punished equally with harsher sentences only reserved for children, old people, and the disabled. Meanwhile, the person who beats the janitor should get the same sentence for beating the cop or the lawyer. If we’re going to have hate crimes, then I’d like to see non-whites be held accountable as often as others. There’s just so much unfairness in the world. When minorities brag about how much they’ve accomplished (which is fine), people applaud and praise them. If a white person were to do that, people would shout, “Racist!”

Yeah, we kinda swung the other way in the land of Inequality. First it’s minorities being picked on and now it’s whites. I’d say we STILL have a way to go before we achieve any real equality.

Okay, I’m done with my news rant. So we went to Rite Aid and got a few things. One of the things was a miniature beagle figurine that was on sale, plus a hair barrette that lights up. I joked with Tom about wearing it to the doctor. They’re LED lights so it would be pretty blinding with the way they flash and change colors but if it’s behind me it might be kind of cool around here at night.

I woke up a million times, once due to the smell of Tom warming up some potatoes. I’m a little tired but nothing too noticeable.

Had a dream that I asked my dentist what color my eyes were, and she shrugged and said, “Blue, I guess.”

“They aren’t green?” I asked her.

She stopped and looked at them and said, “Yeah, I think they could be green.”

Then lowering my voice as if it was such a big secret I said, “My eyes are the only good feature I have left so I’m trying to hang on to them.”

LOL, in reality, I don’t think I have much good left to hang on to.

She said it was okay in a way that suggested I was still doing well overall.

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