Saturday, August 22, 2020

We could get our DNA results as early as today since they’re now being computed, but we’re hoping Monday at the latest.

Today’s Nane’s birthday. She would now be 60 years old. And she’s never going to be allowed back into my life either, not that she would ever want to be. Still, it makes me proud of myself to be able to say that and mean it. :-) Same goes for Maliheh, Andy, Paula, the termites, and anyone else who either dumped me or that I dumped.

Went on a half-hour walk yesterday afternoon which was about 2,600 steps. Still not quite making 10K, but I think the half-hour of activity 5 days a week is more important. Besides, more is not better. I just read a health article that talks about studies proving that more is actually bad for you just like underexercising can be.

Had some hip pain and I thought I would be in for a ton of it today but I’m fine so far. I’ll probably go on another walk in a couple of hours. Walking in a gated community in a dry climate is the ONLY thing I’m going to miss other than a few of my neighbors and doctors, so I’m going to make the most of it and take every opportunity I get to get out there.

Nail foil is not the way to go. At least not for me, it isn’t. It might be better to decorate things with but not my nails. It looks too much like chipped nail polish. It’s virtually impossible to get an entire full-nail transfer. I wanted to foil the ugly olive strips that were included in this weekend’s set which also has black and white marble strips. I like black marble a lot, but don’t care for white marble much. It looks like white polish with a few faint gray smudges as if something brushed against it.

Nail polish is going to be my best bet for altering the less appealing colors. I did a test to see if I could polish them while still on the wax paper they come on, figuring it would be easier to get even coverage that way and a great way to avoid getting any polish in my cuticles, but I found that after I let it dry and I lifted the strip, it also pulled up the nail polish that spilled over the edges and that wouldn’t be something I could trim off easily. Better to just polish the strips after they’ve been applied to my nails. I’m mostly steady-handed so if I take my time, I can get most of it where I want it to be.

I had some spares, so I tore off the three strips I foiled and replaced them with a couple of dark red glitter strips and a rainbow strip. The glitter is harder to see in the darker colors, I’ve noticed. I was going to throw some polish over the three olive strips on my right hand but decided I would wait until my holographic topcoat arrived. I think that’s due tomorrow. Today I get my cuticle oil and hair dye. Monday comes the new mattress pad and Tuesday comes the new mouthguards.


Neanderthal Ancestry 225 Variants
Ashkenazi Jewish 99.0% Ashkenazi Jewish


Hereditary Hemochromatosis (HFE Related)
Variant detected, not likely at increased risk

Hereditary Thrombophilia
Slightly increased risk

Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease
Slightly increased risk

Type 2 Diabetes
Typical likelihood


Alcohol Flush Reaction
Unlikely to flush
Oh, but I do feel a warm flush, mostly in my face, when I drink.

Caffeine Consumption
Likely to consume less
(If one cup a day is “less”)

Deep Sleep
Less likely to be a deep sleeper

Genetic Weight
Predisposed to weigh less than average

Lactose Intolerance
Likely intolerant

Muscle Composition
Common in elite power athletes
(Definitely have been naturally muscular most of my life)

Saturated Fat and Weight
Likely similar weight
(Not sure what this means)

Sleep Movement
Likely more than average movement


Ability to Match Musical Pitch
About a 50/50 chance of being able to match a musical pitch
(I’m actually pretty good at this. Can’t put a number on it but it’s higher than 50.)

Asparagus Odor Detection
Likely can smell

Bitter Taste
Likely can’t taste

More likely than average to have had a bunion
(Never had one)

Cheek Dimples
Likely no dimples

Cilantro Taste Aversion
Slightly higher odds of disliking cilantro

Cleft Chin
Likely no cleft chin

Less likely to get dandruff

Earlobe Type
Likely detached earlobes

Earwax Type
Likely wet earwax

Eye Color
Likely brown or hazel eyes
(Wrong. Started off hazel, went green in my early 20s)

Fear of Heights
More likely than average to be afraid of heights
(Not unless they’re open heights)

Fear of Public Speaking
Less likely to have a fear of public speaking

Finger Length Ratio
Likely ring finger longer

Flat Feet
Less likely than average to have flat feet

Likely a lot of freckles

Hair Photobleaching
More likely to experience hair photobleaching
(Yes! My hair got much lighter upon moving to Arizona)

Hair Texture
Likely straight or wavy
(Nope. Curly)

Hair Thickness
Less likely to have thick hair
(Had very thick hair when I was younger)

Ice Cream Flavor Preference
More likely to prefer chocolate over vanilla ice cream

Light or Dark Hair
Likely dark

Average odds of hating chewing sounds
(OMG, I HATE the sound of chewing!)

Mosquito Bite Frequency
Likely bitten more often than others

Motion Sickness
More likely to experience motion sickness
(I don’t)

Newborn Hair
Likely lots of baby hair

Photic Sneeze Reflex
Likely no photic sneeze reflex

Red Hair
Likely no red hair
(I have 1%, hubs has 6%)

Skin Pigmentation
Likely lighter skin

Stretch Marks
About a 50/50 chance of having stretch marks

Sweet vs. Salty
Likely prefers sweet

Toe Length Ratio
Likely big toe longer

Likely no unibrow

Wake-Up Time
Likely to wake up around 7:34 am
(LMAO! Tell that to another circadian rhythm disorder person like me.)

Widow’s Peak
Likely no widow’s peak
(Had one when I was younger)

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