Friday, August 28, 2020

Whenever I post a story on Facebook, I always get views from someone not connected to me. Kim is out of commission and Aly said she doesn’t check my profile, so curious little me wonders who it could be. Doubt it’s Christiane.

My new nail strips are absolutely gorgeous even if I’ll have to trim some to fit. They even gave me an extra set! Going to wait a while before I do my nails again, though, since I just did them a couple of days ago.

The Northern Lights colorful glitter topcoat that seemed to be lost in the mail and that I got a refund on, arrived yesterday after all. It’s good for any nail strips that need a little extra shine or reinforcement.

We also got some new mouthguards and this time I did a much better job of molding them to my teeth. My first try was kind of a bust because it was too loose and would often lift up. I was worried that even if it was unlikely, I might choke on it in my sleep. I probably just didn’t heat it up enough but hey, it was my first one. With this one, I have a much more snugger fit.

Because Tom’s HR is naturally low, he can’t get in the cardio zone easily, LOL, where I practically live in the fat-burning zone. That’s just Mr. Bradycardia versus Miss Tachycardia for you.

We went to Rite Aid yesterday and as we were close to the parking lot but unable to see it yet, I told Tom I suddenly had a feeling it was going to be more crowded than usual and it was.

I wonder if something’s wrong with Dixie’s computer again because she hasn’t answered the email I sent a couple of days ago. it’s strange that she hasn’t even called either, though I’m not too worried since Tom recently saw her.

Slept forever last night with a sleep score of 86. At least I got up before the garbage and recycle trucks got a chance to wake me up.

Not that I doubt my buddy that says she was offended by anti-black memes on Facebook but where the hell are all these racists she’s encountering? I swear it’s been just the opposite for me. Sure, I’ve known some that hated blacks, but it’s been such a tiny percent compared to those that hate Jews and gays. I’ve never seen an anti-black comment or meme on Facebook other than a few complaints about them being able to get away with more than whites can these days, and I can guarantee you that if any of my Facebook friends or anyone on PB went anti-black, others would crucify them for it. The vast majority of the places I’ve been both on and offline seem to be very accepting and supportive of everyone except for some Jews, some Muslims, and many gays and lesbians. Just look at all the non-black supporters at the protests, both violent and not.

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