Wednesday, July 7, 2021

I slept surprisingly well. Not great but still well enough. No one woke me up but I woke up warm a couple of times and then I had to pee. Ended up sleeping 7.5 hours. I needed it after being so rundown with exhaustion.

The car was picked up yesterday in the late afternoon. It’ll be in Florida this weekend.

We’re really getting out of this state at a good time because there’s going to be a major heatwave for three days where it’s 109 degrees. Never has there been a summer this hot in all the years we’ve been here! Because it’s so dry here it’s chilly in the morning. We’re flying out on Delta at 6:10 on Friday so the shuttle will be picking us up around 4. Then we fly to Salt Lake City and transfer to Tampa from there.

I hope the next hotel – and I’ll call it a hotel even though it doesn’t have room service – is as quiet as this place has been. Most of what I’ve heard so far comes from the housekeepers.

No anxiety but my TMJ is still bothering me enough to have to take Ibuprofen every day.

He exchanged texts with Pierce and Pierce said that the title company should have contacted him yesterday but they didn’t so he’s going to contact them this morning to get the damn papers signed so we can get our money and officially be done with that evil house.

I’m still far from ready to say I’m done with the anxiety but when I think back to all the suffering I did in that house and how everything went to hell for us except financially, I’ll always wonder…was there really something evil dwelling in that house? If not a ghost, which I don’t know if I believe in anyway, then was there just some kind of negative energy? Or could it just be that I finally found the right combination of supplements to help me? Maybe Aly does live on somehow and has something to do with it? Or could my hormonal rampage simply have run its course for the most part? I guess I’ll never know for sure but I will always wonder. It really did seem like there was something bad about the house itself or at least that spot. Funny because I would have jumped to live there if someone had said to us in the 90s when we were in Phoenix, “Look! You can live here instead, in this newer, nicer, bigger house in an adult community with no brats, freeloaders, or dogs left outside 24/7.”

Yet now, if we had to go back there I would totally want to drop dead. It really does feel like I escaped a prison of sorts. I’ve been practically jumping for joy and twirling with delight to have made it out of there alive. I’ll never have to suffer in that damn place again! Imagine the hundreds of planes and helicopters that have gone by since we’ve been gone! LOL

Margaret messaged me to tell me that Dixie accused her of calling the state because she neglected Diane by leaving her alone. Margaret swears it wasn’t her and I do believe her and I do believe that Dixie got all paranoid and accusatory. I’m not at all surprised, however, that she was turned in by whoever really was behind it. I could see right away that she could barely take care of herself let alone someone with special needs. I just don’t know why she couldn’t admit it. She had no problem asking for help otherwise, so why not admit that yes, it really is time to have someone else take over Diane’s care and get her ass into assisted living. I get that no one wants to give up their independence and their home but come on. When you can’t even walk, what do you expect?

Anyway, Tom’s napping now after getting up early to eat and shower, and my own schedule has reset itself. It always does, just like my weight. LOL

Later on, I’m going to have some Chinese food delivered to the room. Can’t wait for that!

We’re on the third and top floor if I haven’t already said so. We only have one shared wall since the elevator is on the other side of us but not directly connected. Right beyond that wall is the space where you stand and wait for the elevator or step out of it. The only other room we’re adjacent to, in a sense, is whoever’s below us.

It’s a lovely, modern-looking room with great lighting that isn’t so glaringly harsh as LED lighting is. I love these textured coverlets which I think will be great for warm climates since they’re more like thick sheets that are rippled and I plan on getting one for the new bed when we get settled. The only thing I don’t like is the lack of alone time but I can get some space when he sleeps.

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