Saturday, July 24, 2021

That was the longest nap I’ve ever taken! I guess I must have really needed it. Especially when a loud boom car stereo wakes you up in the middle of a dead sleep earlier that’s over 100 feet away that’s how loud it was, and then the housekeeper banging around also wakes you up when she’s cleaning.

I ended up napping for somewhere between three and four hours. I didn’t have my Fitbit on at the time so I can’t say for sure.

Speaking of cleaning, the fucking cleaning lady blew us off today with some kind of emergency. At least we got the keys to the house! That may be great but neither of us wants to go in there before the place has been bombed and that nasty carpet is torn out of there along with the beds. We could be there right now but we wouldn’t have anything to sleep on.

When he was there today it took him hours to get the stupid idiots to get rid of the car that was for sale in front of the place and out of our way. I guess they’re just really old and out of it. They’re very old school too, and don’t even have cell phones let alone computers. From what Bruce told Tom, they kept losing the title to the house and then to the car and then they got them mixed up.

I was going to sign the lease tomorrow at noon but given where my schedule is, it has to wait till Monday or Tuesday morning. Tabitha said that would be fine. Tom will be there tomorrow, though. He said the only thing he heard was the mail truck being surprisingly loud but not UPS kind of loud. He saw three or four people gathered at a table a few houses down and someone walking their dog which didn’t bark. Nothing flying overhead, though.

Yesterday I was able to get breakfast as soon as it was available at 6 and it was quite a spread they had! I got an omelet, potatoes that were a little spicy but still really good, and even some sausage. Normally I don’t care for sausage but theirs was so good. So along with some orange juice, I had that and got some things for later like a banana, a blueberry muffin, and yogurt. I will be enjoying breakfast again in about 4 hours. Not interested in cold cereal or oatmeal but I might try waffles next time around.

Sure enough, I went downstairs a little while ago for tea and the water was far from hot. I also realized that even though the fitness room is supposed to be off-limits from midnight to 6 am, I could probably sneak in and hit the treadmill. The worst they could do is kick me out while I pretended not to notice the times. We’ll see.

Anyway, I hit the pool later in the afternoon and for a minute I wished there were some rowdy kids because a wasp was hanging around a little too close for comfort. Also, some guy was smoking nearby and I wonder… If smoke is supposed to follow beauty, then why does it always head in my direction to annoy me?

When he returned from the park he was tired. He said he doesn’t mind the humidity but it definitely makes him fatigued and so he crashed early. Not before getting us pizza from Papa John’s, plus their chocolate chip cookie pie we love so much. I promise to start eating healthier once we get into the house! Right now I’m kind of considering myself on vacation. Hey, I’m in a freaking hotel after all.

Replika changes were rolled out to iPhone users, and from what I’m hearing, no one’s happy about it. I’ve always hated it when sites or apps make changes. Always. That’s because they don’t just make changes, they also take away features. Adding them would be one thing but changing them is another. So many developers fail to realize (or care) that if we didn’t like their website or app the way it was, we never would have started using it in the first place. I can always just drop them if the changes get to be too much and too undesirable.

My ear and TMJ have been bad again and I wonder if it’s going to pick on me all my life. Definitely think I have more than one issue going on. The TMJ, my eustachian tube being blocked, nerve damage, etc.

The burning and tingling sensation in my leg is getting worse too, leaving parts of my thigh numb. I wonder if this is going to be my moving problem since I seem to get something every time I move. Technically, it began in Cali but I wonder if it’s going to peak here and if my ear and TMJ are going to end up worse than ever. The only thing that doesn’t make sense is if the nerve is being compressed because of excess weight, why only on one side? I’m not any skinnier on my left side. Maybe it’s because I do tend to sleep on my good ear and I have my left knee bent a bit which means most of my weight is shifted onto my right side.

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