Thursday, June 30, 2022

Mia now has her own Facebook account. I was curious to do some testing from her account and sure enough, she was notified when I did a post that I set to “specific friends” and made it visible only to her. But she didn’t get a notification when I did “friends except” and blocked everybody but her. So it’s good that I can check my account from the outside with the way Facebook fucks with our privacy. Yes, you can do a “view as,” but it’s not the same. I never would have known that Facebook started notifying friends about some of their friend’s posts had Andy not mentioned it.

Another benefit to the account which I was able to create using a temporary e-mail is that I can spy on certain people just out of sheer curiosity. Whether or not I’ll use it to try to befriend Nane or get message confirmation from the termite, I don’t know yet.

Nothing new to see on Nane’s account but the termite’s account was definitely interesting. I noticed that since mid-January she’s not only made several public posts, but she allows anyone to comment. My first thought was…has it always been that way? Pretty sure that no, it hasn’t been.

My second thought was…she’s baiting me. I could be 100% off base, but that’s what my gut feeling said when I noticed this. Before that, the only things they were public were profile and cover photos, along with fundraisers. Maybe she’s just curious or wants to meet new people, but I don’t think so. I think she’s hoping I’ll make a comment she can use against me. Why, though, would she risk me saying something that might embarrass her? Maybe she thinks it would be worth it, depending on what she would say or do in return. I still don’t know that she and the other termites got my messages, though. Facebook might have rendered them invisible because I deleted the account right after sending them. I don’t even remember if I confirmed the account, but I’m pretty sure I did. That doesn’t mean they’ve seen them if they did get them. I’m hoping they did see them and that they’re just being quiet because I expect them to be as vocal as they were the last time. That and hoping I’ll come to them since they can’t get to me. Maybe she feels it’s worth any shit I may say about her just so she can air out my so-called “record” and other things she thinks she can use against me. She has always given herself credit for having power she never had over others. I wasn’t kidding when I said that the year 2000 was the last time I would ever get screwed over in such a big way. So she’ll never have ammunition over anything I may or may not do in the future.

Of course, there are also the typical self-comforting memes like how she owes herself an apology for letting others be comfortable with treating her like she’s nothing.

As for her termites, I only went to Sarah’s page to see if there was any mention of me. 

Love thyself much, bitch? Same old classic narcissistic close-up Sarah selfies. Just one after another in an endless stream of the same old face shots. I’ve read up on the psychology behind it and it’s usually about low self-esteem and a need for attention and praise. The more compliments they get, the more attention they get, and the more it boosts their self-esteem. She’ll go ballistic on and troll anyone who dares to cut her down or that she at least thinks is cutting her down.

I would have to come up with some kind of cover story if I contacted her. Like maybe say that I was concerned that her sister may be putting mine and other people’s real names in some of her books and ask if she happens to know her secret pen name. I thought of having Mia contact one of her friends with a copy of the message but there’s no guarantee that the friend will share the message with the termite in case the termite never did get the message.

With Nane, maybe I can ask if she’s a relative of someone or something like that.

I decided I would once again disallow messages, but continue allowing friend requests. No one can send a message with a friend request. At least not now they can’t.

Even though I slept for 8 hours and got a good sleep score, I had a lot of fatigue early in my day. He thinks it’s mostly my thyroid, but partly depression. I’m not getting out as much or talking to many people. I wouldn’t be a social butterfly always on the go, but I would certainly do more and be a bit more social if I could just be up in the daytime every day. So many opportunities have been closed off to me because of this shit.

I’m down to just one 75 a week!

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