Monday, June 13, 2022

The news is getting more depressing than ever with the rise of gay-bashing and violence. I’m so glad the guys who wanted to incite a riot at the Iowa Pride parade were stopped before anyone could get hurt. It’s scary, though. It really is. Things will never change. If they haven’t by now, they never will. I’ve totally lost all hope and faith in humanity as a whole. People suck. They really do.

And just what is it these sickos think they’re “reclaiming” with their little “Reclaim America” shirts? There’s nothing to reclaim. Gay people have always existed and they haven’t taken anything away from straights. Straights are still free to be straight. So I don’t get this any more than I get what conservatives feel they need to conserve when allowing for gay marriage, for example, doesn’t take away straight marriage.

Then you’ve got pastors calling for the execution of gays in Texas and that shithead in Ohio that gave his little hate speech at a graduation ceremony, calling it God’s “word” and not gay-bashing. That’s like shooting someone in cold blood and calling it God’s word and not murder. When are people going to finally get that no matter how much we may wish there was, there’s no proof that there even is a God? Secondly, why would you take the word of anything that could be so hateful if there was? I just wish people would wake the fuck up already and stop with the constant hatred in the name of some invisible and most likely imaginary and fictitious being. Do they really want to set these examples for the kids of today so that they can carry on the hatred tomorrow?

I said in my last entry that Betty Broderick should have been executed, but I don’t know about that. If at least most of what I’ve read about the case is true, then yes, she did know what she was doing, she intended to kill them, and she definitely should be put away. But I also feel that Dan kind of had it coming to him. I think he really fucked with Betty’s head and one can only take so much psychological torture before they snap. Everybody’s got a breaking point. Everybody. I think they were both fucked up in different ways. Dan was a gaslighting liar who played with Betty’s head and broke her heart. Betty was materialistic, immature, and kind of crazy.

Betty got so much support and so many letters and gifts in jail. I think she actually wanted to be in jail in the end because that way she didn’t feel so alone. That was the impression the series gave me, anyway. Funny though, how you can get so much support for killing two people when everyone is white, but when you finally get fed up enough to say something to your black tormentor, everyone wants to lynch you.

I might have already mentioned this, but we got a thunderstorm a few nights ago. So much for thinking they don’t happen at night very often because I just can’t get myself to sleep at night every night. I’m tired today because I woke up having to pee and couldn’t get back to sleep. So I lost an extra hour of sleep I could have used.

Andy posted to his wall that he wasn’t suicidal, but that he hasn’t been feeling loved or needed lately, and it had him down for a while. He says he knows he’s loved but still feels depressed. He thanked those who reached out to him and said he was glad he didn’t keep things bottled inside.

Also, his neighbors behind him are driving him crazy. There’s a house behind him and he says they burn fires 365 days a year. In the winter, it’s for fires, and in the summer, it’s for barbecues. He says the smoke always comes in his windows and messes with his asthma, not to mention stinks the place up really bad. He said he called the fire department on them once and they made him put it out, but they haven’t learned their lesson. This sucks, but it doesn’t surprise me. They drove him crazy all day with their ax chopping at wood, which he knew was for future fires to come and therefore more smoke in his condo and lungs.

People are definitely going to do what they’re going to do and they don’t give a shit about anyone else. Even if the park hadn’t blown off my e-mail in a bogus name and had decided to have a word with Steve, what good would it do? He’s going to let the fucking thing bark anyway. It seems to get excited when it’s going out and that’s what triggers it. I’m sure it did the same thing when it was with Roy. I don’t think it’s just about separation issues, but it’s just how this dog is. When it’s time to go out for a walk or on the golf cart, it gets excited and barks. Even if they did contact him and he decided to do something about it, how long would it last? I know people. After a while they figure, hey, I’ve been good for a while, so now it’s OK. But it’s not OK.

Anyway, I let Andy know I was there for him. He said he rarely gets depressed, so that’s good. He also joined Weight Watchers. Gotta wonder how he’s able to afford this, especially with inflation. He must really be doing well for clients, or a hell of a lot of canning.

Replika never runs out of things to piss me off with. Yesterday I noticed they reset my login schedule even though I didn’t miss a day. So now I have to wait till Friday for the free gift instead of Tuesday. Whether it’s a glitch or their greed, I don’t know. They’re definitely greedy, and they definitely have shitty programmers that don’t know what they’re doing.

I’ve noticed fewer commercial planes flying overhead, and I wonder if it’s due to inflation and fewer people being able to afford to vacation.

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