Thursday, May 10, 1990

I’m at the store now. Tuesday night I had a fairly good time at the Brimfield flea market. The flea market itself was incredibly boring. It was all old rotted antique stuff and as you know, I prefer modern stuff. The family we visited made a fantastic turkey dinner. That was probably only my second real meal in about a month. Max wouldn’t shut up, though, and he knows I hardly ever get time with my dad. If I didn’t love and respect my dad like I do I’d have jacked him up the wall and said, “Would you shut the fuck up?! Give your jaw a break!” God, I thought I was bad. I couldn’t even get a word in edgewise. I’m sure it was all done deliberately, too.

Yesterday I went to Forest Park with this girl named Lori whom I met at the Pub who is so ugly, and then, later on, she and her lover, Rose, came over to my place. Rose is very attractive, except for her teeth. They both seem very nice, but they’re only 18 and 19. I told them that I have to be attracted to the person as well as for the person to be right for me, and also that despite the fact that I do get lonely, I’m just not ready. It’s gonna take a while.

I don’t know if I wrote about the great lesson I had with Bill at Dunaeff. He was totally impressed at how much my voice has developed and matured. He said at first he was scared cuz usually when a student goes away for a while, then comes back, they lose it. He said, “You’re fine. You’ve got the technique. All you need to do is just come in and sing and keep up with it.”

So I was on cloud 9 and I’m waiting for Jean to call me with a set schedule. She’s got a waiting list but is going to get me in sooner which is great.

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