Monday, May 21, 1990

Yesterday I slept and never got up till 10:15 at night, but I’m glad it turned out that way cuz I must, and I repeat, must be in therapy today at 10:00. She’s gonna bitch me out big time cuz I never went last week.

Tammy and Bill’s 4th anniversary is on the 25th so I’m gonna get their card mailed out today, as well as cards for Lisa and Becky who haven’t been doing too well.

So, where’s Nervous? He called yesterday and left a message. I’ll probably be way too tired to give him music theory lessons tonight in exchange for him doing my laundry but sometime today I do have to stop into the store to get my pay.

Also, I’ve got to make a dentist and GYN appointment which I’ve been procrastinating on for the longest time, and also, vacuum, dust, clean my bathroom, stove, toaster oven and microwave. I’m just so sick and fucking tired of housework. I always used to keep up on it during my first two years on my own, then just got so sick of it.

Shit, do I feel a little tired now but that’s basically cuz it’s raining out. It’s always raining. We have had tons and tons of rain. No wonder everyone’s been feeling lousy.

I wish the hell Nervous would hurry up and get a fucking phone so we can get him going and tape it.

Saturday night was hilarious. Andy, Tracy, Bobbie and I all got into a huge fight and after it blew over a few hours later, I edited Tracy who thought it was so funny and well done. It’s amazing how we can fight and say such cruel things to each other and then be such great friends again two hours later. It’s just like me and Andy. The fight was about Andy wanting to cross someone with Tracy as a joke and so he dialed randomly. Just any old number out of the blue. And of all the numbers in the whole city, he managed to get someone who knew and was close to Bobbie. Bobbie was furiously mad. Then Tracy got all upset too, all the while me and Andy were laughing our asses off. Typical luck of Andy’s, who did that a year ago too, calling up some guy that he came onto that happened to be a good friend of his brother Eric’s. The guy never told Eric, though.

If I’d done what Andy did and called a friend of someone in my family, they’d have told the whole world and probably publish it in every newspaper and magazine and then I’d be crucified.


I just got back from therapy a few minutes ago and I’m now microwaving my lunch so I thought I’d jot down a few words while I’m waiting.

Before seeing Martha, I stopped at McDonald’s for coffee and Tracy was there, so we chatted for about half an hour. She’s hysterical, that one, but in a funny way.

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