Tuesday, August 1, 1995

As figured, another month has passed without me getting pregnant. The good news is, though, I’m finding it easier to accept.

Tom never brought up my letter about adopting. Instead, he just went on with saying what he’s always said about it - it can happen, but let it happen in its own time. And he doesn’t want to intentionally put it off. Mhm.

Anyway, I now realize more than ever that if I want to be with this man who I love so much, I’m just gonna have to play along with his game. I can’t make him do anything he doesn’t want to do, no matter what he says.

We did have fun for the first time in what seems like ages. We started off screwing till he conked out right before I was gonna go over the edge, so he finished me off orally.

Still no Theo and feeling fine! I began working out again seeing how my legs look absolutely horrible.

It fucking figures, but Dr. Rugg’s office left a message today. Damn! It’s one thing after another. I don’t want to go back for the third time.

The trail’s gone cold as far as finding out if Robin’s name is really that, let alone if she’s dead or alive. I called Barbara and she says she’s still waiting to hear from Charlie who’s on vacation. She transferred me to an Alan M who knew nothing about it and said the JCC didn’t technically own Camp Naomi. He said they were affiliated with it and mentioned the JBW (Jewish Board of Welfare) in New York having something to do with it, but that he could guarantee me they wouldn’t have any records. Barbara said there’s still Charlie to hope for that he’ll know something and not to give up.

I haven’t sensed Robin at all lately. It’s like she’s gone. Gone forever.


I sure did a lot of typing tonight. In a day or two, I expect to be done typing journal 92.

Andy called earlier saying he was ready to commit suicide due to his $154 electric bill. He said the whole apartment’s half the size of our back room. Damn, that’s small! Despite that, though, and running it on low cool and number 3 out of 10, that’s how high his electric bill is. He said his apartment manager won’t let him out of his lease, but that he can’t afford to move now anyhow.

Meanwhile, he’s job hunting and is gonna give them our number for messages. He didn’t want to tell them he didn’t have a phone, but he said he has an answering machine. He said I don’t even have to talk to him, just let them leave their message or tell me their name and number and I’ll let Andy know about it.

Got a letter from Kim who had a scary experience. A 16-year-old girl ran out in front of her car. She survived but is at fault and Kim said 1 out of 5 witnesses was a cop.

So, I wrote her another letter and I finally decided to write to Bob. I gave him two choices if he wants to resume our friendship. To either write and draw on his envelopes to me so I can dump him again. Or to not do so and have me as a friend and a pen pal again. I’m almost certain he will write back.

I know I’ll never get a letter from Tammy or Lisa, but where’s Minnie’s letter? I hope to hear from her soon. I hope I get a letter from Bug soon, too.

Dr. Rausch had given me a peak flow meter to measure my breathing. After I exercised, I got it up higher than it’s been so far to 340. It was usually around 300. It’s supposed to be 413.

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