Thursday, August 17, 1995

When Tom got home he fixed the phone in the bedroom, oiled the squeaky bedroom doorknob, and called Tammy with me.

We also went swimming and ordered a pizza before going down on me.

Yesterday Andy told me he was pissed cuz Bug’s decided to keep her baby and not do the right thing. He asked her how she was gonna afford to take care of it when she can’t even afford to take care of herself. Her brilliant answer was that she’d worry about it when the time came. Fine time to start worrying! She’ll just be another welfare mom. She was supposed to have her 7-year-old son who’s living with his dad in Florida come live with her, but she can’t afford him, either. As I reminded Andy, this is how God wants it. She can forget about ever bothering to write to me cuz I don’t want anything to do with her.

Last night I spoke with Andy, Karson and Quinn’s girlfriend Jen. It was pretty funny. Everyone loved it when I said the line: Karson, I heard they used you to impregnate a bunny. She recorded us on her regular answering machine. Then she gave me her code to record it, but it sounds terribly distorted.

Yesterday, Tom and I were checking out a magazine on Prodigy. It listed the 300 biggest cities, then put them in order from best to worst. The lower the number, the better. Phoenix was at 94. Springfield was at 278.


Today was a fairly decent day which became a little dismal. I feel it was my fault, though. The baby desires were kicking in which I should’ve known better is an obvious turn-off to Tom, no matter what he says. I have to remember and keep in mind that no matter how much he says he wants a kid - he doesn’t. No matter how much he says he’ll cum - he won’t. He says he feels like we’re still newlyweds cuz we just started sleeping together. I’m not gonna buy into his teasing games of having a kid, though. After I see Dr. Rugg, which is a legit excuse where we can’t screw, there’ll be some other excuse where we don’t do it more often and why he can’t cum.

I was really annoyed today when we were at McDonald’s. Well, the kids get rowdier and noisier, as parents are less able and willing to control their kids. It was a zoo in there. The point is, well, I could be wrong, but didn’t he eat much much slower than usual to rub it into my face?

Earlier I had him go down on me, but I could not cum cuz I felt bad for taking him away from his baseball game on TV. I still feel that that and a few other things are a higher priority than sex. I laughed earlier when he told me he’s horny all the time. Well, he does a damn good job at hiding it! I’m sure he relieves himself in his wet dreams and in the bathroom. He always goes to the bathroom before we do anything. Could this be to relieve himself so he won’t get off with me? Sometimes he doesn’t seem like he’s in there long enough to get off, but who knows?

Sexually, he just is not your typical male. Non-sexually, yes, but without the violent side, of course.

Dr. Nielsen says my ear looks great. He removed tons of dead skin from the graft and I’ll be seeing him again in 3 months. On November 16.

After the appointment was when we went to McDonald’s, then to the grocery store where we picked up a few things.

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