Friday, July 26, 1996

Andy will be calling back sometime soon. He’s very upset now. Problems with Quinn again. He loves him but deals with so much abuse and head games from him. I kind of wish I could go over there and slap that guy silly, but Andy has to do his own dirty work. He can talk to me all he wants, but in the end, it’s between him and Quinn to do whatever it is they’re gonna do.

Tom spent the day at Mom’s and he went to bed after being up for about 21 hours. The funeral will be on Monday at 12:30 p.m. Nothing fancy and just with 20 or so of the immediate family members. Also, there’ll be a memorial service at a church in about a month.

As I figured, Mom and Dad did call, so I had Tom answer it. That was nice of them and they appropriately didn’t bring me up or ask for me and they put aside our differences. Also, they asked for Tom’s mom’s address cuz they’re gonna be sending her a card. I asked Tom if she got a card from a Dureen and Art O if she’d know who the hell they are and Tom said yes, so that’s good.

Tom’s family believes like Tom and I do that Dad will always be watching over those he knew and loved. Before they took his body away they asked Ma if she wanted to be with him for a few moments and Ma said, “No. That’s not my husband. That’s just a dead body. That’s just the body that he used when he was alive.”

Well, Marty and Ruth got my letter today, I’m sure, and I’m sure that they told my folks as soon as they got it, and due to Tom’s dad dying, that’s all the more reason why they didn’t call. I’m glad, though, that they didn’t call as I figured they wouldn’t, cuz that’d really make me feel awkward and put on the spot.

Tammy sent Tom a message too, through my mailbox saying she’s sorry about his dad, but to remember him for the good memories of him and not those of his last months and that she’s here for him. She also said to give her regards to his “intire” family. I think she meant “entire” family. She makes funny typing mistakes. I usually just tell Tom what she has to say when she sends messages to me unless it’s personal, but this time I printed it out for him.


Tom just got up a little while ago after getting his much-needed sleep.

We had a hell of a storm last night. Therefore, the backyard and pool are a mess. A big wall of dirt blew in, supposedly, but I didn’t see it. There’s dirt all over the patio, along with bird poop, and the pool is a brown/green color. We lost yet another chunk of the old green rafters which are over the patio in the ferocious wind. The birds love it, though. To them, it’s a big jungle gym.

Andy did call back and we spoke for quite a while. He’s really hurt, confused, and in love with Quinn. Quinn is a selfish, mean, spoiled, abusive low-life of a druggie who lies, leads Andy on, and cuts him down like he’s a piece of dirt. A part of me really wishes I could go over to Quinn’s and let him know that he’s fucked with my friend, so that’s fucking with me. Then I’d really like to give him a few bruises. Just enough to scare some sense into him, or at least enough to scare him out of the shit he’s pulling on Andy. We tried to call him so I could give him a piece of my mind and let him know just what I’m all about and what I could personally do to him, but the little fuck didn’t answer.

I told Andy that this is a twisted person who hates his own self and who’s very immature and Andy does know this.

Andy feels very cursed right now and he really hates his life. I feel really bad for him because, in a sense, his life here in Arizona has been just like his life in Massachusetts.

Tom won’t be working again till Tuesday. He’s in the shower now, then he’s gonna make a few phone calls and head on over to his mother’s house to give Mary a break, who stood overnight last night, and to do anything he can do to help.

It seems like it’s been forever since we had sex, due to all that’s been going on. Hopefully, we can have our lives back and our sex lives back soon. It doesn’t matter when we screw since I can’t get pregnant anyway. Besides, he still insists there are about 10 days a woman can conceive and not 3. If Tom really believes we’ll have a child, like he’s been saying, I just realized something. He may want to have the child in this house, which is in his name, and then move if things work out. I realized that he may really be afraid deep down that a kid will ruin our marriage or that I’ll be a bad mother, although he wouldn’t tell me he felt I’d be a lousy wife for as long as he did, what’s to say he isn’t necessarily gonna tell me he really thinks I’d be a lousy mother if he really ever thinks that?

Thank God the storm was last night, cuz I think next door had overnight company. Who knows what kind of noise they would’ve stirred up if the weather had been nice? Anyway, two vehicles just left. I heard about 5 or 6 doors shut and their music was barely audible, so that’s cool.

I amazingly received stuff from Gloria’s fan club yesterday. A newsletter with 4 shitty pictures and an audiocassette of her doing an interview. At the start of the interview, even she admits the fan club has been off to a slow start (yeah, very slow!), But that they’re getting their act together.

Now both Tom and I can’t wait to get her new album called Destiny. It’s supposed to also be for computers with CD ROM and when played there, pictures of her are supposed to appear. I also want Linda’s latest English album, but not either hers or Gloria’s Spanish ones, since they suck from what I’ve heard. I still want to find out what movie that dream song of Linda’s is from and hunt a copy of that down. I also want to request more songs from the 70s station and hope I get lucky enough to have those requests played.

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