Friday, February 12, 1999

We didn’t thoroughly check out land since it’s kind of soon, but we got a general idea of the area and it’s beautiful.

We went to one of the casinos we’d been to before and had pretty much the luck I predicted, which wasn’t much. Tom did win $175 at one point, but he put most of it back. I both lost and broke even. I’ve got a really good accuracy rate when it comes to sensing out machines that I can hold my own on for a while, but not win big on. I’m sure that’s because neither of us is ever destined to win anything big. At one point, I had to decide whether or not to keep on gambling, or to stop at the $40 I’d just lost, but then Tom gave me $40 of his, so I still have $60 left. Guess this means I’ll be getting a doll again soon, but not too soon. I doubt I’ll be able to find Glenora again, and it may take a few shows to find a doll I want. Most of their dolls really do suck or are boring.

Anyway, we both had fun and I gave my diet a break to have two candy bars, a bag of Fritos, and a large order of fries at Jack-n-the-Box. Gained a pound for it too, so now I have to really cut back.

I came up with a wonderful piece of bullshit. You know, for the freeloader file? In this story, we are the blue car that comes to pick her up in the mornings. We got the same car, same color, and we were waiting for her early in the morning. It was still dark at the time, so she hopped right on in the car without even looking, assuming it was the usual car and driver that takes her to wherever she goes. Then I wrote about how she took a lisping tizzy fit similar to the one she took on me in real life, and then we dropped her off way out of her way in Tucson.

We’re gonna wait till it gets lighter earlier before we follow the bitch. Tom wants to wait down on 19th Ave. And follow from there. Less chance of getting detected, I guess, not that I really care. I don’t think he wants to or really ever intends to follow her to see where she goes, but you know Tom - just can’t say "no" too easily to things he doesn’t want to do. He just goes along with you and is like - yeah, yeah, whatever.

Seeing that they gave me two quiet weekends in a row, I have a feeling that this upcoming holiday weekend will change that pattern.

The renters had their white car towed away the other day, according to Tom. They’ve been great, too. I’ve only heard their music three times and it was nothing compared to what the freeloaders would give me. I also don’t hear their dog barking 24/7.

Andy did just what I knew he’d do. Damn! He really wants to be a loser. He really wants to stay in the same old rut he’s been in since 1988. He blew off that job. What a shame. It would’ve been good pay and good benefits, but hey, if he doesn’t give a shit and if he doesn’t want to work, no one can make him. But why doesn’t he just become a full-time dealer? If he has no problem with druggies and with dealing to those he knows, and if he doesn’t mind giving up pensions and benefits, which is obviously the case, why doesn’t he just deal his life away, so to speak? That’s all his life is anyway - pot, food, and phones. Mixed in with a little TV and music.

I decided that there is one song on Linda’s new album that I do like, after all. It’s called Heartbreak Kind.

After we came home at 7:30, we took off again at 9:00 and went to the pet store. I needed a heavy-weight bowl like Velvet’s got for the rats, and rat/mice food. So I got a bowl with silhouettes of rabbits and ferrets on it.

Then we went to check out what kind of Fancy mice they had in stock, wondering if they had none or just males, but guess what? They had two females that are probably pregnant, and I got them! Yes, Katie and Ashley are cuties. Katie has the most white I’ve ever seen on a Fancy mouse. Ashley looks a lot like Spot did. So now I have 8 mice and hopefully, I’ll have about 16 by March 4th, since they carry litters for 3 weeks at a time. Well, if they’re pregnant, they could be a week or more into their pregnancies, so 3 weeks would be the max. They were in with males, though, and they are old enough to conceive. They look to be about a month old. They’re no babies, but they aren’t quite full-grown, either. They could even be a little more than a month. They’re about Star’s size, my one and only mouse that didn’t quite make it to full-grown size. They’re sisters.

I didn’t take pictures of Katie yet, but I got a couple of cute ones of Ashley, which I’ll be sending Tammy and them guys.

Lastly, we went to the bookstore, and did I ever tell you about this pest that works there? Good, God! I can’t shop there anymore. Besides, it’s time to explore a new store anyway.

For all I know, she’s some lonely lesbian who thinks I’m just beautiful. If not, she’s obviously very lonely and very bored. That’s not much of a job she’s got, organizing books.

She’s shorter than me, with a plain/ugly face, boy-short hair, and totally typical of what I’d get pestering me. I mean, leave it to a pitiful thing like this to be all friendly and wanting to talk to me.

Anyway, the last several times I’d go into the store, she’d be bugging me by asking if she could find this or find that for me. Totally annoying! I couldn’t concentrate very well on finding good books with this thing hanging around me acting like she was all infatuated with me and dying for my attention.

I was a little firmer with her yesterday and let her know that if I needed something, I’d ask. Meanwhile, she was trying to get my sympathy by bitching about her flu and her stomach, but after a minute or two of giving her the silent treatment, she fucked off. Still, if I gave her my whole day, she’d sit and gab to me all fucking day long. If I must run into people who are like this periodically, can’t they look like Melanie and be a little more worth it? No! Of course not! Being both psychic and good with people, I have a feeling this poor lost, lonely soul has a touch of the old me in her, though. I picture her living alone and maybe even being on SSI. She’s forever single, not too many friends and if so, not ones you can count on and that even have half a brain, and she’s constantly hard up for bucks.


Jesus fucking Christ! I cannot believe how hexed I am when it comes to toilets! Not only do you have to hold the button in that flushes the damn thing for something like ten seconds, but now it’s leaking in back from the bass of the tank! Well, fuck this shit. I’m not even gonna give in to this hex. I’m just gonna turn the other cheek on it and hope the fucking thing will stay functional enough till we’re out of here and that it doesn’t affect the sale of the house. Tom has enough maintenance jobs in store for this house. He doesn’t need any more. It’s like, he fixes three things, then two more things break. He never really gets ahead. I just know too, that things that shouldn’t need to be fixed for 10-20 years will be breaking in the new house right away. What is it with me and toilets? Why am I hexed with toilets? Sex. Toilets. Free will. Where’s the connection? Is there any? Does any of this shit mean anything beyond just the basic fact that I’m hexed within these departments?


I forgot to mention that I got carded upon entering the casino. I was surprised, too.

Katie sure is a wheeler. She’s been wheeling for hours, it seems. She also has such a small amount of brown. Only her rump and one side of her face have brown fur.

The girl at the pet store, whom I’ve seen before, offered to take the male babies provided that her usual breeder doesn’t load her up first. It’d be just my luck that this breeder would give her a ton of mice the day before I went to bring them in, too. She said Siamese mice are really pretty. Never seen them. They’re supposed to be light brown with darker brown around the ears.

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