Friday, February 26, 1999

Tom, who got up a little while ago, thinks Ashley and Katie are pregnant. I hope so. It does look like they’re getting tummies and they’re wheeling an awful lot.


I’m taping a doll show right now. Even though I won’t be getting another doll for a while, it won’t hurt to keep up with what’s out there and write down code numbers. That way, when it’s time to get another doll again, I’ll at least have some numbers.

It’s going to be in the low 80s these next few days. Already, we’re going from winter right into summer. And yet Paula’s under a few inches of snow and is freezing at 20º or less!

Speaking of Paula, I never thought that she of all people would become such a pest! She’s been calling so much, even from 3000 miles away. She left the message early today and when Tom told me about it when I got up just after 1:00 this afternoon, I was like - again? I’m not calling her back for a few days since we just talked for quite a while. Especially while I know that kid’s gonna be there. I’ll call next week when he’s at school (with my luck he’d be homesick or snowed in). Then I unexpectedly fell back asleep till 8:00 (I’m gonna make it to Mel’s after all) and called her at 11:00 her time. I figured she might still be up and that the kid would be asleep, but she wasn’t. I woke her up. She asked if she could call me in the morning. I told her she may have a hard time reaching me during weekends and that I had an appointment on Monday, but that I’d try her on Tuesday if I didn’t talk to her before then.


They had a 40” doll for just $300, but she was ugly. All the dolls were boring or ugly and I’ve seen some of them before.

A part of me wishes this cat wouldn’t be around come moving day. He fucking drives me nuts with his whining! I went out to throw a few heavy pieces on the line till tomorrow afternoon and the fucking thing whined at the door till I was done. He can’t just wait at the door quietly? So, knowing Tom was asleep under the fan, I screamed at him in frustration which set the dogs off. I’m sure the freeloaders, whose lights were on, heard me too. It’s like a magic button - scream and the dogs automatically go off. It’s like scream-a-bark versus dial-a-ride. Anytime I want to hear them, although I’d have to be a little nutso to want to, all I have to do is scream. Or at least yell.

Sounds like some stupid black guy was given the wrong number at a bar by some female who just couldn’t say no. About 20 minutes ago I noticed a payphone calling and figured it was Mary who broke down somewhere. Of course, I wasn’t about to wake my husband who had to get up for work at 6:00 AM to go rescue her. She was on her own as far as I was concerned. However, no one spoke during the few seconds of their message, so I knew that ruled out Mary. Then I wondered if Andy was visiting some phoneless friend and went to a nearby payphone figuring he was close enough to my house to call about a visit, but nope. Some idiot whose name showed up as Elizabeth J called from their house a few minutes later, or someone else’s house, and muttered something inaudible when I answered. I hung up after letting him know he had the wrong number and then he called a third time. This time I let the machine deal with it. There are other things I want to do than the phone. I’m doing laundry now and I want to finish the book I got. So far, I’m having excellent book luck this time around. It seems like there may be only one book I don’t like within this batch.

Yesterday, I remembered I had Giselle on tape from an earlier doll show so I showed her to Tom. They describe her as having auburn hair. That’d be different, but it looks brunette on the TV. Tom said her dress didn’t look like something a ballerina would wear. I don’t know about that, but it’s a gorgeous dress, nonetheless.

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