Saturday, August 5, 2000

That was different. We screwed earlier. I don’t think we would’ve if I hadn’t suggested it, but I wanted to see if he’d actually go for it early in the day and on a Saturday, or if he’d give time frames, which is kind of a turn-off to me.

I woke up early at 5:30 cuz of having to take a Benadryl last night at 8:30 for my fucking allergies. Right on time, too. I mean, I was scheduled for an all-day attack. This one came in spurts but was still bad enough.

He burned at the usual time of 7:00 and helped me fill out the doctor’s questionnaire to take with me for my no doubt waste-of-time appointment.

Mary’s been more cursed than me health-wise. They had to send a scope down her throat and up her nose. Yuck! She said they sprayed her with something that numbed her, and it wasn’t as bad as she thought it’d be, but still yucky. She’s been having pain in her throat and I guess she has a lump that needs to be biopsied, although the doctor says it’s probably non-malignant.


The red Mexican pickup drove by for the second or third time since I last mentioned it. Its music has been soft, but loud enough to get what they want and to achieve the purpose of buying those fucking stereos in the first place – for me, among others I’m sure, to be forced to notice it.

My inevitable, fated-to-be nightmare might be arriving in back before too long. I saw a U-Haul parked at the closest rental, attached to the blue pickup that’s lived there for almost a year now. To my knowledge, no one’s in the furthest rental, unless I just can’t see their vehicle and they’ve been driving in and out the opposite way. I think the closest one is moving, but Tom said to look at it logically: out here, it’s hard to get people to deliver bulk items like appliances, so he probably had to rent the U-Haul to get whatever they bought out here. But we got the washer, dryer and furniture delivered, I reminded him, and he reminded me that we’re living high off the hog compared to most people out here. Most people don’t have the kind of job and pay he does, nor do they have houses like we do or a well. This is true, but like I said, I still think they’re moving. Rentals turnover every few months to a year or two. The question is, is this when the music-blaring freeloaders move in? It’s only a matter of time, but so soon? It’s something God would do to me. It’s just so destined. I attract noisy people like honey attracts bees. For many months I’ve had a vibe about another house or two coming back there in September. However, my September house vibe has faded. Not enough to write it off, but enough to relieve me. When I say “relieve” me, I mean enough to give me another month or two, if not more, before the house(s) come. Any extra time I can stall and delay the trouble to come from back there is extra time I can live in peace.

I took a two-hour nap without any fans on. Just the air cleaner in the next room. Couldn’t do that in Phoenix, but again, how much longer can I do that in Maricopa?

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