Monday, August 14, 2000

Sex was the usual boring, predictable Sunday sex, but don’t dare tell my husband I said so or else he’ll be quick to change things for the better, that’s how much he loves to please his wife. Ha! Dropping the sarcastic touch, you know it’s actually just the opposite; if I complain, that’s all the more he’ll keep it up. He’s stubbornly determined to keep me turned off in bed and “be himself.” It’s no wonder I’m never horny anymore, and when I am, I’d just assume to take care of it quickly myself.

This time we were without power for 3 ½ hours due to last night’s storm. The power didn’t come back till just after 11:00. It started with lots of wind, then the thunder and lightning came. Just when we thought we weren’t going to get any rain, down it came. It even haled for a few minutes, and damn was it loud hitting the skylight! Sounded like it was gonna come right through, but Tom reminded me that the skylight’s Plexiglas and not glass, which is much stronger. That’s what they have in psych wards. Again, the thunder was super loud, sounding like gunshots.

Once the storm passed through and calm settled upon the land, a bad feeling came over me. What better time to blast your car stereo and get all the more people’s attention than when there’s a power outage, preventing people from drowning you out with ACs, fans, or music of their own? It was a boom car stereo lover’s ultimate situation to take advantage of, and sure enough, for 10-20 minutes (I got so fed up after 5 minutes that I stuck a foam earplug in my good ear) some desperado seized the golden opportunity it saw, jumped into its car, and thumped its annoying bass all through the place. And it kept turning the volume up and down and on and off. That’s a popular thing with these sick fucks. I never could figure that one out, the up, down, on and off thing. My guess is that it’s a tease. They turn it down making people think – Yeah! They’re finally gonna shut up and let us live in peace for a while – only to be fooled when they blast it off again. It was definitely coming from the back of the house and was definitely anywhere from 5-20 miles away. Once again, it’s pretty sad to have to hear other people’s music inside your house in the middle of a 10-acre ranch. Also again, these are no gentle, subtle-sounding things. It’s a deep, penetrating sound that’s totally nerve-racking. The annoying, grating sound of a chainsaw would be preferable. This world is sick! I mean, there’s nothing more frustrating and stressful than not being able to ignore civilization in the privacy and sanctity of your own home. I wish this world would just shut up and leave me the fuck alone!!!

Despite life’s bullshit and the people that cause it, I do love it here, I love this house, and I hope we can always live here. We just need to build walls!

For the second day in a row, Houdini came out and played in the morning. He did his usual thing – ran around, chewed carpet, jumped in the aquarium that sits on the floor by the cage and played with my hair by tangling himself up in it and taking it in his mouth and pulling on it and shaking it like a dog shakes a rag. My hair’s gonna be as dead as it was before I cut it if he keeps it up.

I’m up to 117 pounds and I’m pretty sure it’s water. Yes, my sore tits and I should be getting a flow any day now. I’ve been spotting on and off for two weeks. What else is new? Every other period is so erratic.


Jesus fucking Christ! It’s just like I predicted. Exactly like I predicted. I predicted that every 6 months to a year would get worse and worse. Or, I should say louder and louder. As is the case 8 out of 10 times, I’m correct. When we first came here we were hearing music every 2-4 weeks, but now it’s 2-4 times a week! I just heard a boom car stereo for about 10 minutes, and this time I think it was coming from the front of the house. What is this world coming to? Especially when the more remote areas get noisy? Here I was thinking the other day how it’s quiet out here 99% of the time. Yeah, well, now we’re down to 98% or even 97% of the time and I know I can expect that slow decline to continue. I thought, especially cuz it’s hotter out here, that it’d be quieter during the summers, but no way. The winter was definitely quieter, even with Dan and his music and engines. Imagine how this winter will be! Besides, even if there were only half a dozen households owning bassy car stereos in Maricopa, God would make sure to put them close enough to our house so I could hear them, and the shitty thing about being psychic is that it has nothing to do with altering fate. Just because I sense something, doesn’t usually mean I can change it. And it’s always the bad things I vibe, too. Never the good. And when I do vibe something good, I tend to be wrong much more often than when I vibe something bad. Or sometimes, I don’t have a bad feeling and I ignore my logic and end up being taken by surprise. When the cops came out here last month, I thought right away it was either cuz of people back east or cuz somebody did something to the blacks and Mexicans and they were blaming me. It shocked the shit out of me to find out that last January’s shit with them was far from over, yet my logic told me the day I left the Phoenix PD not to believe a thing a pig says, because even if that pig isn’t lying, someone else in some other department of the PD/courts, may very well have entirely different plans for you. And I should never trust God. I should’ve gone by past experiences and patterns and kept it in mind that I can’t get away with shit, and being woken up and dragged to the piggy department would never be enough of a punishment in the eyes of God.


Us and our fucking toilets! We’re almost as cursed with those as we are with other things. Or as I am. Meaning, he’s not necessarily cursed to the degree I am and with the same things. The music doesn’t bother him as much as it does me, and I can’t say he’s cursed sexually when the sex is made to his order. I’m the only one who doesn’t enjoy sex. Anyway, the second bath’s toilet is leaking. I tried to fix it, but I can’t figure out how to. I know he knows how to deal with it, though, so he can do that when he gets home.

Maybe I was bogged down more in shit than water. I already dropped a pound. I shit 3 times and I’ve only been up 7 hours. Yeah, another power failure woke me up at 6:00, two hours before I planned on getting up. I’ve been woken up more here than in the last couple of years in Phoenix! Yeah, that’s what I get for going against God and taking measures to try to improve that. Anyway, the power was off for nearly an hour, but not cuz another storm rolled in. I don’t know why. Maybe the stupid idiots were working on something, and as is always the case when the electricity goes out, the phone went out, too. Tom left the cell phone here. I guess he figured there could be problems. You know the slightest change in sound wakes me up. Well, I was awake even before the fan I always sleep with fully stopped. Anyway, by mid-September, or even sooner, these electrical storms should be over. They’re cool, but they’re a nuisance.

I left Paul a message as he told me to. His answering service picked up and they let me leave him a message. I gave him my number, asking that he call me back. I’ll try again around 4:00, and that’s it. I’ll have done my part and then he either calls me or he doesn’t.

I noticed the sparkler effect wasn’t working, but the blinker and other effects were. I think I’ll go back to highlighting after today. It’s easier and more reliable, so it seems.


Unfuckingbelievable! Now we’re up to multiple times a day and now we have yet another boom car stereo in the area. A dark red car I don’t think I’ve seen before just went banging down Meadow Green. Saw the pickup too, but it was still quiet. Before a year or two’s out, I guarantee we’ll be hearing this shit 2 or 3 times a day, every day. I’ll bet my dolls on it.

Speaking of dolls, I decided to quit collecting, and not get much of the other things I wanted, like murals, water lamps, etc. It’s not that I’m sick of dolls or that I want to quit collecting, but it’s the best thing to do cuz dolls aren’t cheap. Besides, we’ll never be rich enough for me to have all the dolls I want, anyway. After thinking about it, I decided it’s best that we save our money, get caught up, and stay that way without spending money we don’t have to spend. Too many expenses pop up in life – blown tires, broken this, broken that, bail bonds, etc.


Both our modems are shot cuz they got hit by lightning. Thanks, God. Just what we need – another broken thing. And I just burned myself on the oven, and let me guess, God’s gonna sic a boom car stereo on me any sec, right?

Also, more of those effects quit working on me, so I said – fine, I’ll just highlight as I usually do.

Got a couple of iguana shots today from the bedroom window. I got a shot of a big one that was about 6’ from the window, and of a medium-sized one that was right outside it. In fact, if we had a better camera and no screens, I would’ve gotten a great shot. The problem with shooting through the screen, though, is that it focuses on the screen and whatever’s behind it is one big blur.

At least Paul called. He called at 4:00 while I had the tunes cranked up in one room so Tom had to come and get me. I didn’t want to blast off before he got in and chance missing his call. He sounded very nice, saying he only got through half the police report so far cuz he’s tied up with trials, which he has tomorrow, but he does want to talk to me within the next few days, so hang in there till he calls me back. He thanked me and I thanked him and that was that.

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