Thursday, January 18, 2001

Vasquez is on today. Crazy Melinda got kicked out of next door again, so now she’s alone in 203. Deanna was at psych at the time so she missed the whole thing.

Right after Melinda moved, Ida and I ate lunch together in the dayroom while we watched the depressing news. I couldn’t hear it well at all, so I had to read the closed captions.

Melinda was at her door, and just as Vasquez was heading up the stairs with her back towards me, I flipped her off.

“Fuck you,” she yells.

I then said, “Vasquez, did you hear that? She’s so mean!”

Vasquez said, “Yeah, I heard. Doesn’t sound like there’s much love in the house today.”

When Vasquez couldn’t see me, I’d scurry down to Melinda’s door and bug her. Mary and Marilyn were cracking up. It was so funny! She went off on me again for telling Myra and Mindy why she was moved. I made sure to talk loud enough for her to hear, too.

At one point, while our door was propped open and I was brushing my teeth, Vasquez came through from the other pod and Melinda asked her to tell me to stay away from her door. So, Vasquez asked me if I had been at her door, and in my most innocent voice, I told her no, it was Mary I was talking to. Just then, the psych case started yelling all kinds of shit, and Vasquez heads back to her door saying, “Maybe I should come and talk to you,” then goes on to tell her to stop her yelling, etc. It took everything I had not to burst out laughing.

Vasquez was nice enough to give Ida and I some of the juvi’s milk, and she let us stay out for over an hour.

That was some pretty good slop we had for dinner for a change, and there was enough to fill up on, too.

Ida agrees with me about the blacks and their fucked up ways. A lot of people do. So, if blacks really aren’t any worse than anyone else, then how come so many people feel the same way I do about them and their shit?

Been with Ida for a week now. We like each other, get along and are comfortable with one another. This means I’ll be moving anytime now.

Finally took a dump last night after being stuck for a while. It seems I go right after commissary.

Tom said he checked, and yes, Rosa is still in A.

Also, he said only those who are sentenced aren’t supposed to be in with two others over in A. But some of us, like myself, are sentenced.

I almost got written up by accident. The door popped right around when Tom usually visits, so I went down into the dayroom. When Mena saw me she said in a rude, snobby voice, “What are you doing out? Get back upstairs!”

I was like, “Well, you’re the one that popped my door.”

Later, when she came and got me when it was really visiting time, I explained that because it was around the time he visits, I automatically assumed that that was why she popped the door. She said she popped it by accident and to never come out unless I hear my name called because that’s a serious write-up, and on and on she went till I was ready to choke her! Again, I’m sick of being treated like a child and told what to do!

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