Wednesday, December 19, 2001

I’ve been sleeping really weird lately. I wake up a lot for no apparent reason and I either sleep a long, long time or not enough time. This is the second day in a row that I didn’t sleep enough, and my schedule backed up by nearly 12 hours. I guess that’s a good thing, though, with them booming by every day. I wonder if they’re going to pick up again with this after the holidays. If they are, then they’re gonna be at it till March, unless a plane goes down or there’s another terrorist attack.

I wonder if Teddy Bear will call right before my letter’s due, figuring that I won’t know about her transfer and that any letter sent to Estrella may not get forwarded to her. I’d like to think she’d want to see me bad enough to, but I don’t know. Right now my guess is that as long as she never hears from me again, I won’t hear from her again. So, I’d better hope to hell I get my letter to her one way or another.

The night I found out about the transfer, I had more Teddy Bear dreams than ever. It made me wonder, once again, if it weren’t a sign saying she was in my future.

I’m having a little period. Why can’t I bleed just once a month? Huh? Instead, I have mid-cycle bleeding nearly every month, and I usually spot for a week to 10 days prior to my period.


Tom and I went to Circle K for some treats, since it’s getting closer to my diet. I’m going to start on December 28th, which will be a grocery day.

Today we worked on straightening the bars that those fucking pigs had us fuck up, but we need a blow torch because some of the welds popped off. I suppose this is my punishment for killing the pig I never should’ve gotten.

We started making Barbie stands, and so far, the prototype we created is pretty cool. It’s just that we need to buy more epoxy.

I decided to change my bio order around a bit. Rather than having 5 sections - currently, preteens, teens, 20s, 30s, I think I’ll make the “currently” section my “prologue,” and then have parts and chapters. Meaning the “preteens” will be a part, and then there’ll be chapters within that part, like “The Beach,” “School,” “Family,” etc.

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