Tuesday, December 4, 2001

My 36th birthday has been like any ordinary day, since we made a day of it last Friday and plan to make a day of it this Friday, too.

One good thing about this birthday was knowing that Dureen and Art wouldn’t be calling, and I wouldn’t have to worry about putting on a show for them, so to speak, by feeling obligated to tell them what they wanted to hear.

Walter woke me up an hour before I planned on getting up, but we all know how much God loves to see me woken up anyway. And all just to get his trailer. Couldn’t he have brought someone to get the rig in too, and have this well shit done and over with? At least for now, anyway. People are nosy out here. We don’t need anything like this rig attracting any more unwanted attention.

You come out here to get away from people, yet they won’t leave you alone! First there was Dan, then the pigs, then George had to invite himself over twice, and then his workers had to nose into our business.

So what’s taking the people in Dan’s house so long to mosey on over? And how about the renters?

Anyway, the house half that was sitting across from George’s lot disappeared. They were grating Meadow Green and Ralston last night, so I thought, but according to Tom, those roads are still as nasty as usual, so I don’t know what they were doing, or where that house half went. Tom thought it may be two properties away from Dan’s when he was out earlier. Who knows? It sure looked like the piece of shit George gets, and we figured that that might’ve been why he was taking so long to hook the electric up to the last house; because he planned on doing both at once. This is the only property in this area he owns, according to Tom, and there’s nothing on the other side of his land. Why couldn’t there be nothing between us and the rentals? Like God would ever have it that way - right! I swear this house and the Phoenix house had signs on them saying: Non-whites and renters, live next to us!

The only white owners that we know of that are anywhere near us are the people at Dan’s, and they’re not always quiet themselves between their dog and music. Yes, it’s the freeloaders that are particularly obnoxious, but it’s an Arizona thing too, no matter what you are. You leave your dogs outside to bark, you share your music with others, etc.

Don’t get me wrong, though, this place isn’t Phoenix. Not even close. Someday it will be just as crowded and as noisy, but for however long we’re here, it can’t possibly get to be as noisy with the houses this far apart, and this house is so big and modern compared to the old little dump we had, so it could never be as bad as Phoenix (I hope!). Even so, the thought of one day living on a boat in the middle of the ocean really appeals to me. It’s just so hard to believe in Tom’s undying optimism and believe we could ever afford it. Why would God, after watching us struggle for so long, suddenly decide we should have money? Cuz one of us is Jewish?

Anyway, I sometimes swap the doll’s dresses and I swapped Giselle and Misha’s dresses. They look nice.

Earlier in the day, we had a huge spider sitting on top of our skylight (on the outside, fortunately!). It wasn’t as big as those tan spiders in Phoenix, but it sure made a daddy-long leg look puny! It was 2-3 inches in diameter with a very thick body and thick legs. I got a good shot of it and emailed it to Mary. That oughta make her day!

Still got about 50 CDs to rip. I haven’t worked on my bio for days.

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