Haiku made it to Phoenix last night. Now I’m waiting to see if they update the link saying she’s reached Casa Grande and is out for delivery. She left Phoenix at 4:00 this morning, so she oughta be in Casa Grande right about now being loaded onto the delivery truck. Because I’m so anxious to finally – finally – receive her, I’m sure she’ll be one of the last deliveries of the day. So long as whatever’s been trying to stop her from getting to me doesn’t literally reach down, pick the delivery truck up, and hurl it across the state.
The front light is on in the furthest new house. I asked Tom if he’s heard any barking or car doors and he said no. My guess is that the workers or people showing the house simply left it on. It’s been too quiet for someone to have moved in.
Although the research was a bit conflicting, Tom says it looks like the bank wants to screw us over. Well, of course, I told him. You didn’t think God would exactly bless us with honest, good-willed people to have to deal with, did you? Even out here we still get stomped on by society! I am so, so sick of everyone else but us having a hold on us and the power to make us or break us! Like we both agree, though, the more we isolate ourselves from civilization and the more we own outright, the less chance we’ll have of getting fucked over. Then God can send us other forms of trouble.
Anyway, he says it looks like they want to auction off the house which may not be such a bad thing since he himself even considered doing it that way. Only time will tell just what they have in mind. Meanwhile, I don’t trust them and I think Tom should tell them, look, it’s our house, so we’ll sell it. He urged me to trust him to handle it. As long as you’re not going to be too nice, I told him. That’s how you get taken advantage of. He then assured me he was going to be anything but nice. I asked if he thought it could be connected to his being fired, and he said no, but since we know that honesty doesn’t do us any good anyway, he’s going to use that as a crutch. Way to go, I told him. The blacks and Mexicans have their race crutch, so we’ll use our own little crutch. Everyone’s so quick to “poor baby” the blacks and Mexicans when they get discriminated against, but no one gives a shit about the whites, Jews and gays.
I’d like to think that in the end, this will all work out the way it should, but I know better. Why God continually insists on whipping our asses with evil-doers is beyond me, but I know that’s just what he intends to do. We’re the last ones he’d ever make sure ended up in good hands, and I really believe it is God and not some devil. If God’s supposed to be the most powerful being, then he’d override the devil if it were the devil out to screw us. But he hasn’t yet so that tells me something. Something scary.
As for my schedule, I’m not doing a damn thing about it till things actually start happening. If all goes well, we should be out of here in April. If we have to stop and play hardball, we could be here till June. I feel like this land that was so determined to get rid of me, now has decided it’s not going to let me go so easily!
My vibes have shifted to a treed 8-acre parcel in Oregon. Tom says that’s an unusual unit and that the most common parcels are 2 and 10 acres just like here. If we had to choose between 2 treed acres versus 10 wide-open like this, we’d take the 2 treed acres. With the Brady Bunch soon to follow us, it’s got to be either a dense wall of trees or a ton of space so I can hear myself think and live in peace. If the choice came down to 2 treed acres and 40 open, then the decision would be a little tougher.
We may possibly go to the swap meet this weekend to not only try to sell more of the little things but also some of the big things like the old lawn mower we had in Phoenix, the blower, and things like that. This time we’re going to remember to use sunscreen, too!
The old software he’s selling is doing well for bids. As we both said, we can’t sell these nice hand-painted, one-of-a-kind plates, yet we can sell his old, obsolete junk. Oh well. At least we’re selling something.
I was surprised to find my big-leaf plant was already sprouting a new shoot.
Since I’ve been eating like a pig, I was also quite surprised to wake up at 129 after being 131 the other day. You simply don’t lose 2 pounds without even trying at my age.
Haiku arrived, and although she is a cutie, they couldn’t have done a lousier job on her had they tried. First of all, the beaded armature I specifically asked for is that shit wiring I hate, the inset lashes I asked for are half painted, the stand I asked for wasn’t present, and they didn’t even take the time to glue her damn wig on. So, as is always the case, I was stuck having to do what I paid Ricki to do and we used a hot glue gun to affix the wig. The doll has no breastplate, but her head does move, and to tell you the truth, I’m amazed she wasn’t broken. They barely packed her. She had just a few half-assed pieces of foam wrapped around her arms and legs. I didn’t realize this doll’s arms were bent at the elbows which pissed me off at first. Then I arranged her in a way that had her hold a pink teddy bear and it looked adorable. I repacked her with rubber bands down her ponytail to give her the straight hair I asked for and didn’t get (it’s wavy). She looks so different in person. More Hispanic than Asian. She’s a good sculpt, though. I can’t deny that. Very realistic.
I’m still very seriously considering hanging up my collecting no matter what we have for money. If I can’t get exactly what I want and order, then I don’t want anything at all, though she’s certainly not bad enough to return or sell. She’s better than Samantha. For $100, she’s fine, but this is obviously why the bitch is so cheap; because they do a lousy job. I just don’t understand why so many people are so damn stupid! It makes me embarrassed to be part of the human race at times. She fouled up my order so much that it made me wonder if it wasn’t deliberate. I can’t believe she didn’t go so far as to make her a gray-eyed blond!
If I ever do get any more of these kinds of dolls, I’ll go through JBS. They’re overpriced, but they do the job right.
I might one day buy a beaded armature, dismantle her, and put her together properly. Maybe I should just get doll kits from now on!
Why oh why am I so cursed with dolls?!
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