Friday, March 12, 2004

Why oh why must I be woken up every few days? At fucking midnight of all hours, in a rural town, I get woken up by these incredibly loud planes. I’m pretty sure they were military helicopters. They seemed to hover over the house for a few minutes that I was half expecting bombs to be dropped on us or something.

Anyway, I dipped as many sticks as I could to finish off the White Shoulders and the Black Pearl, the two scents I’ve got in oil form that I’m not too impressed with. We’re going to open an eBay store real soon. Meanwhile, I got a lot of 17 puzzles listed starting at $4.99. It’d be a good deal for anyone in the state as shipping would only be $6. To Massachusetts, though, shipping would be $22.

This rat is more playful than even Little Buddy was! He’s more like him than any other rat we’ve had. He does everything he did, short of jumping up onto the couch to see Tom.

We discussed it, and since we know we’re going to be here a few more months being forced to fight with the bank, we might go to the swap meet on Sunday, but definitely the next time I’m on days. It’s all going to depend on the new alternator he’s going to install in the truck. If it goes well, then tomorrow we’ll sift through the stuff, decide what we want to try to sell, and go on Sunday.

I like to do most of my writing at night after he’s gone to bed, but he’ll be out several hours today running errands, so I’ll do some then.


The Brady Bunch behind us is on their usual outdoor frenzy. With the windows shut, though, I can’t hear the kids screaming or the adults screaming at the kids.

Mary sent a letter, and of course, she had to ask me a favor. It appears there’s some new criminal she’s hot for. What her obsession is with “bad boys” I’ll never know. She asked me to find some Hispanic guy in another Florida prison. “I just want to know if he’s still there, and please send a small mug shot,” she said, but you know, I’m tired of doing for others and I don’t want to aid in her sick fantasies, so I just told her I couldn’t find him. She wouldn’t even say who he was or what he was in for, so I’m sure he’s in for some violent offense of some kind.

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