Monday, July 5, 2004

The only thing I don’t like about buying land is all the damn rules that go with it. I hate being told what to do! Especially with something I bought and own. It’s like buying a dress and being told you can only wear it for 3 hours on Friday nights. This is why, as Tom agrees, a boat would’ve been better. The only drawback to that would’ve been that we couldn’t get things in the mail or go to stores practically whenever we wanted to.

Earlier, like at around 9:30, we heard fireworks. Where they were shooting them off from, I can’t say for sure. I guess the farms, as it’d be a bit dangerous to shoot them off here in the woods.

I cannot wait for the shed! I am so, so sick of him waking me up every morning when he leaves. Why am I so sleep-cursed? Why???

Anyway, once the shed’s up, we’ll invest in a $100 porta-pisser so I won’t have to come into the RV at night if I have to pee.

My nose is so addicted to this wonderful incense! I’m burning Magnolia right now.

I was a bit alarmed when Tom pointed out a missing section from the last book I wrote. Text shouldn’t simply “disappear” from my doc files. Tomorrow I’ll check the file. Maybe it was just a printing error, though I’ll probably have to rewrite the excerpt. It seems to be a small clip that’s missing, so that’s good. I wonder if Mary’s copy is missing it as well. The margins were offset too, and I was like – what the fuck?


The section was intact in the file, so it was just a printing error, luckily.

Tom and I were discussing whether or not God really exists and what His true intentions are. He feels that if there really is a God, why would He have plans for so many people? There are just so many damn people in the world. He has a point, though some things do seem more than just coincidental. As for me – I don’t care anymore. Instead of getting any answers, I just get more and more confused with all the various beliefs out there. I say if there’s a God, fine. If not, that’s fine, too. And I don’t care if there’s an afterlife or not. I can accept whatever the case may be in this life and any future life I may live. I just might not like it.

One of the freebies, Hawaiian Rain, is really good. It seems, though, that each fragrance has 4 or 5 smell-alikes.

Miss Perfect and Dave are still ignoring our emails, and unless they failed to receive my last letter to them, they are definitely ignoring it. So we devised a plan. Tom emailed Miss P again, but this time he explained that we need a couple of thousand dollars before we can even begin to build, and how we want to build before winter sets in, etc., and offered to pay back $100 a month via PayPal, then $300 a month after the house is built. He explained to them that we need money for the land warranty deed, a septic evaluation permit, the permit to build the damn septic, and a temporary use permit to park the RV and live in it, then a site evaluation to show where things are going to go – the driveway, house, septic, etc. It’s really crazy and unfair, but that’s just life for you. Still, it really bothers me to be told what to do with our own shit and at our ages. So anyway, after another week of her ignoring his email, he’ll email Dave asking if they’ve gotten our emails. When he ignores us, we’ll then send a regular postal letter.

I just had an idea. I could send them an e-card. If they pick it up, I’ll know it, whereas I don’t know it when my email gets read. On the other hand, they’ll probably know I know it, so if they are checking their mail, they may be sure not to get the card so we think they’re just not checking.

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