Sunday, July 9, 2006

Now the Stick Man says some of the scents I picked were “fire sale” items and not samplers. Fine, I told him. Substitute them with whatever. I guess he tried to call yesterday morning before we chatted live. It’s when we have to play message like this so many times that I know I shouldn’t bother doing business with the person again. He’s like Bendejo – nice, but stupid. Just your typical brainless cock. If we’ve got to talk about it instead of me simply receiving the stuff, then I don’t want to bother.

Meanwhile, the Brunette Brilliance Barbie I never thought I’d have is on its way to me! I never thought I’d have it because she’s regularly $225, but I’m getting her for $85.

I have yet another reason to hate Oregon. Oregon and Oregon only has stopped selling Claritin D over the counter. This was the one that suppressed my appetite. They stopped because it supposedly has ingredients in it used to make crystal meth. So I got the regular Claritin and sure enough, it doesn’t snuff my appetite out at all. I guess something up there is telling me to either get myself to puke, or just gain the rest of my middle-age weight. If I can’t ever bring myself to puke, I’ll be in the 150s or 160s by the end of the year.

My ear still has its bad days, though it’s still been better since summer set in. They probably didn’t know the cold weather would affect it when they operated on it, any more than they knew in Boston the trouble I’d have in Phoenix, but this is why I won’t be having any more surgery ever again if I can help it; because I’m the one that ultimately has to pay for what they don’t know.

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