Saturday, March 24, 2007

Paula called and of course we had to play yet another round of hopeless phone tag. Justin said she was with some friend named Joanne.

If we really do split on June 1st, then we now have 69, almost 68 days left here. All I’m going to miss are the summers and the lack of blacks in this place!

I’m not going to have a damn bit of a problem with leaving this place messy and dirty either. Not just to make them work for our $450 deposit, but because they should’ve had the decency to pay to move us when they sent us that bitch and her dog. We specifically said “no dogs,” and “no obvious noise sources,” and while they may’ve had no choice since the laws favor people like that while we don’t have any noise protection rights of any kind, they could’ve at least paid to move us. Either that or give us a discount on the first month here. I’m just worried about what God will put us with in Sacramento. Will it be blacks? Mexicans? Both? I just hope to hell they don’t go giving them yet more rights! Especially about being called racial slurs cuz they’ll take advantage of that one big time and call the pigs on anyone that pisses them off, claiming they called them a racial slur. The pigs will automatically side with them, too.

Although I still haven’t heard anything, I did see the dog across the street a few days ago. I wonder what they’ve been doing to keep it quiet when they let it out. I wish someone would do something about the fucking canal dog, but while the neighbor curse may be lifted, the dog curse is definitely not. The question is, did the bamboos and or the horseshoe have a hand in protecting us from bad neighbors here? Or are these neighbors just a fluke? I’d need a few more neighbors to say for sure, but right now I’d have to say it’s a fluke and that we’ll go right back to having to live with the same loud, rude and obnoxious assholes that just can’t shut up for one minute. While whites may make bad neighbors too, because most people are rude, inconsiderate and hard up for attention, the minorities are by far the worst. They simply cannot stand to be ignored and will do everything and anything to get in people’s faces and let them know they exist.

When I sent Ashton-Drake a message asking what was taking so long with the exchange for Tiny Miracle Jasmine, they replied saying they hadn’t received the cats back that I returned, but for the sake of client relations, they would credit our card. This was nice to know. I had them cancel Jasmine, though, saying that we’d be moving in 8-10 weeks, right around the time they expect her in from the manufacturer, and I don’t want any delivery mix-ups. I said I’d place a new order sometime in the future from the new place. Instead, I got a basic Esme doll on eBay from a place in Chico which is in NorCal. She should arrive around the time Emilie arrives from Arkansas.

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