Saturday, March 15, 2008

The good news is that the Clorox check did indeed save our stuff, but the bad news is that not only has the 9K still not shown up, but now the guy’s email address has been removed from the site that I contacted. Mr. Ever So Trusting says it’s because he just didn’t want to be contacted anymore, but I say it’s because he was part of a nasty scam and he knows it. So now Tom has to contact Consumer Affairs. He still thinks we’ll get the check, but even if we do, when will we get it? Before the next crisis hits or after? In just a matter of weeks, the extra money will be gone and we’ll still be trapped here, trying to figure out how we can make it. I just don’t understand why we’re so undeserving of a home. What did we do to be so hopelessly trapped in this motel? The manager offered us a $50 discount on the monthly apartment rate, but there’s no way we could come up with the grand in the first place.

Anyway, I showed the guy he can run, but he can’t hide. At least not from me. I found his email in my ‘sent mail’ section and have sent a message asking for a more precise time frame. If he won’t give it to me, Tom will deal with them from there on out, but I still don’t know if we’ll ever see the money. He says a big company like that doesn’t want bad publicity, but there are a lot of people who just don’t give a damn whether they have bad publicity or not. Lots of people will spite themselves to spite others.

Meanwhile, as soon as he can get to the storage place, he’s gonna pull one of the old inkjet printers so he can print resumes for a better job that has regular benefits.

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