Friday, March 14, 2008

We had someone check in the inner room yesterday afternoon for one night. They were pretty bangy their first 20 minutes or so, then they shut up. We had a surprisingly quiet end roomer too, but that’s probably why they were only there one night as well. Only the noisy ones stay longer! With it being Friday night, I expect to get company on both sides any minute, so I’m enjoying what’s left of the peace.

I saw Prasaad cleaning the inner room when we returned from Carl’s Jr. We felt we deserved a treat in light of the Clorox check which should’ve arrived today. I sure hope so anyway! If it was mailed in a package with the cleaning products, however, it could take up to a week. Still time to pay storage, but even so, I’ll feel better once the money is actually on the card, and even better if we can get the 9K. The only thing dampening my otherwise fine mood is knowing we could end up right where we were last week if the 9K takes much longer.

At least the cop dream seems meaningless so far, as all he had was one little scare so far. Last night I dreamt I was writing to my folks and giving them our new address. That one I sure hope is a sign of a home to come real soon!

They’ve got a new housekeeper who’s definitely Indian, judging by the red circle on her forehead.

Mike, the manager, called up while Tom was out getting the check. I let him know Tom would be in any minute and he asked if everything else was ok. I let him know the shower drain was clogged again and he sent Satish up to fix it.

When he got back, he booked the room till Wednesday. Then with the Clorox check or his next paycheck, if worse comes to worst and there’s an issue with the Clorox check, we can book till Saturday and be back in sync with the weekends again. That way he doesn’t have to get up early on Fridays, run out and get the check, put the money on the card, then rush back to book the room.

We passed Say on the way in to see Mike before heading over to eat. The paperwork takes time to be faxed to the office once he’s booked the room through Hotwire, which he usually does at night rather than late morning. But since they know us so well, Mike said not to worry, we could sign in in the morning.

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