Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I hate these rats! They act so terrified of me as if I’d beaten the shit out of them. We’ve never had 4 lousy rats in a row like this before. Never had rats that slept this much before either. I swear Tink’s possessed them to be bad out of jealousy so no other rat receives the attention she once got. They were fine the first day and now they suck.

I also hate AT&T for refusing to give us the speed we’re paying for. All they do when Tom complains is say they’ll check the line. Then they leave a message saying everything’s fine, but it’s not. Unfortunately, they’re the only ones who service this area, so there’s nothing we can do about it, but get ripped off and settle for what they’re willing to give us. As far as I know, throttling us back like they are doesn’t save them money, so they’re obviously doing it just to be mean, knowing we can’t drop them for someone else. I just thank God that everything’s going to be wireless in a few years and that the connection’s at least reliable and I can stream music without all the problems I had in the motel.

I don’t know what’s up with Jessie. I haven’t heard from her since before last weekend when I tried calling her place just to get the machine. I tried again today too, and someone picked up, but only for a second, then I was disconnected. When I called back I got the machine. Well, I tried enough at this point, so I’ll just wait till she emails me. She’s probably busy. Again, she’s got a kid which means she’s got no life. I thought I heard the thing babbling during the second we were connected.

Today we went to the mail place and got the check. After waiting for a mom and her obnoxious toddler that was ahead of us, we cashed it, then grabbed a DQ lunch. Then we returned and Tom took his shower and left for work.

I wonder if Jesse’s son visited today. I not only heard vehicles drive in and out of there, besides a couple of rounds of barks, but I could’ve sworn I heard the animal shout a couple of times, and of course, with school letting out, the mother’s no doubt anxious to pawn it off more often on Jesse, and he’s home as much as I am, so why not? I’m just glad I can’t hear much from up there because there’s almost always someone there and they’re always outside. Do they sleep outside, too? Will they be outdoors this much in the winter?

A fellow OLSer sent me a coupon for a free slice of pizza at Papa Gino’s, but these eateries are only in New England. Why would someone in NV send this to someone in California? I asked Jessie if she wants it. What I could use were the heart decals they sent.

The best news of all – I don’t know if we’re being teased or not – is that the horses seem to be doing better than ever. They made $40 two days ago but lost $3 yesterday because he not only bet on just 6 races (Mondays and Tuesdays are the worst days for racing) but because he bet too aggressively. Half the races won, though. Today he bet on 15 and he should be able to do twice that much over the weekend. I just hope this isn’t a tease as it’s been in the past where we start off winning, then end up losing. I would hope God wouldn’t be so cruel as to allow us to be teased with money after all we’ve been through, and that He’ll either just let us have it, or at least not get our hopes up about it. So many things start off well, just to end up being a bust, be it diets, the way a medication works, etc.

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