Boy, those OLSers really like people-info sites! Someone posted a thread wanting to know how they could find out for free if someone has a record. I’d already known of some places to go for that, but someone provided a link to a place I’d never heard of before, and wow!
Let’s just say that some people I thought were clean – or at least relatively clean – aren’t so clean after all, and those who are naughty are even naughtier than I thought!
Besides digging up my own dirt – LOL – let’s see, big sis got sued by some hospital a couple of years ago. Nothing too big, but big enough. She was ordered to pay a total of $766 but was allowed to make weekly payments of $35.
But if she’s been working in some hospital and her husband owns his own business, why would she be so broke that she’d have to make payments?
Maybe I was wrong in assuming God not only protected my perps but that He also made sure they were living it up, cuz dear old Joely got sued a hell of a lot worse than that! She not only tried to get out of having to pay rent at some apartment complex, but she tried to rip off a daycare place too, and get free service for the little mistake she made that we taxpayers had to pay for. She lost both cases and was ordered to pay over a grand for each one.
Thank you, God, for showing her what it’s like to have to pay thousands of dollars, even if she deserved to and I didn’t. Now could you please give her a little taste of what it’s like to lose your freedom for a while? Lost sleep, cold showers, inedible food?
She and Mike have been duking it out in family court over the mistake since ’95, and now I know his last name. Figures he has to have a common name! Got too many hits on him, but I’m sure he’s got a nice, lengthy record of his own.
And while I didn’t bother to check, I’m sure she tormented her neighbors in PA & VA, too.
Got a lot of hits on the pig, but with a name that’s also common, who knows what’s his and what isn’t? He wasn’t worth the time it would take to go through them all, but I did leave him a less-than-pleasant review at a cop-rating site. I can’t believe he’s still on the force! Then again, I can. They all protect their own, don’t they?
Just like with the lawyer-rating site, it’s legal and I refuse to allow my right to free speech to be violated again in any way. If you threaten someone or falsely claim they won something – of course you’re asking for it – but nothing I did was illegal or dishonest, so I went for it. I simply stated the facts. I only had so much space to do it in so I just got right to the point about his conning, tricking and manipulating me on behalf of a personal friend who had a case and a vendetta going against me and how false and fabricated evidence was thrown in and information was withheld from me that could’ve helped me. But I didn’t know it until it was too late and I’d already been convicted.
What do I expect to come of it? Well, nothing of course, other than the peace of mind that comes with knowing that I finally got the chance to speak up after what he helped put me through, and not just in my journal or to those closest to me.
I like how it says, “You have the right to remain informed,” on the site, and we SHOULD have the right to remain informed, and if what I had to say about this twisted piece of shit can help someone else whom he may be using and abusing with his badge against – great. I think it’s great that one can now post their experiences with crooked cops, lawyers, doctors and people like that. Especially with so many of them falling into corruption.
Now here’s the biggest shocker of all. It totally cracks me up with laughter! Stacey may be doing a little time herself! LOL
Like I said, this one’s got me laughing the hardest. I guess it’s cuz it’s the most shocking. The others were assholes through and through and so it was no surprise to learn they’ve been in and out of jail and court. I still can’t believe the judge didn’t see Joely’s true colors shining through, and that she and the pig were buddies, but hey, it was Arizona. And she was black and I was white. That oughta tell anyone who’s ever lived there more than enough.
I just can’t picture Stacey getting arrested for drunk driving! It looks like that’s what the civil traffic violation is all about, but I can’t say for sure. It could be for speeding, running a light, or rear-ending someone, but it looks like a DUI to me. It happened in January and she’s got court dates for May and July, so whatever the outcome ends up being – and that’s a scary thought being in Arizona – it’s not going to happen for a while yet.
LOL, I honestly can’t picture her getting busted any more than I can picture my mother getting busted! I wonder, did she think of me? Did she think, so this is what it’s like? This is what she went through? However, she wouldn’t know I did time unless she recognized me on the news 9 years ago (my name had changed by then) or had read my journal.
LOL, Oh, my God, it’s just too funny! Too bad we weren’t arrested at the same time. Wouldn’t that have been loads of fun – Ahahahahaha!!!
Of course, I couldn’t resist, dropping the link off at her place of work, if she hasn’t already lost her job there. LOL
James also had a justice civil case in which he was the plaintiff, though it was dismissed, so he didn’t win anything. Same judge as Stacey has. Interesting.
A couple tried to sue both James and Stacey and the case was dismissed with prejudice. Stacey had a lawyer, but James represented himself. Good job, buddy!
Yes, Mary did get my card. She even left a message on the cell! I honestly would never know it was her if I didn’t know any better. She sounds great, though, saying she loves me, is doing great, and hopes I am, too. She called collect of course, and when the voicemail picked up it was saying that our cell couldn’t accept collect calls which she should’ve heard. Even so, as much as I loved hearing from her, I let her know we couldn’t accept collect calls, not that we could afford to right now anyway.
I also got a letter from her too, saying she likes this place better than both Naples and Estrella. She says she’s got the option of returning to Naples, but doesn’t think she will cuz now she can shower in private, has a room she can go in and out of, a cool bunkie, cool officers, though no radio. She said everyone knows who she is, but she’s in GP and doing fine.
I checked and she’s been moved 34 miles and is just 104 miles from my folks.
Got my period today which is quite a relief. Not just from water bloating, but hunger, too. I definitely seem to be hungrier before my period.