Saturday, April 18, 2009

The check came yesterday so Tom got the groceries which he saved $10 on thanks to the Kimberly-Clark coupons I won. This way we got a free giant pack of toilet paper and a 3-pack of Kleenex tissues. I also won an $80 men’s hoodie which encouraged me to return to sweeping. Hey, it’s in my blood. I was meant to sweep and I was meant to win. I just haven’t been winning nearly as much with the economy being so shitty. Anyway, it’s a nice hoodie, although it should be a while before he wears it with the weather warming up. We killed the pilot to the heater so that should delay our next propane delivery.

Tom couldn’t get the cooler working yesterday, but he says it’s just a quick and simple fix. I hope we don’t have to call Jesse down, though we will if it’s going to cost anything. It’s his piece of shit, not ours. I’ll just have to stay inside so I don’t do anything I’ll regret. Seriously, I just want to grab him by the neck and squeeze some consideration into the rude little prick! Yeah, talk about getting all fired up for nothing yesterday morning! The dogs started at their earliest ever which was 5:00. Makes me wonder if he’s going to start leaving for work at 4:00 or even 3:00! So they started up at 5:00 and it was definitely softer. This went on for about an hour, and I was just about to be like OMG, he moved them to the back of the house! Someone actually gave a shit!

From behind the house, it’s certainly much more tolerable, but then the barking got louder and I stepped outside and could clearly see them in front. So the joke was on me for two more hours. So much for thinking he cared enough to move them! Then I felt myself begin to simmer with rage. The kind that made me just want to beat the shit out of him or anyone else that may deserve it. I’m sick of living with people that are just going to do what they’re going to do no matter what and to hell with anyone who has to deal with it! But would a senior community really be any better if we could ever get into one? Again, despite the fact that barking is a big problem in the West with the way most people don’t allow their dogs indoors, this is a curse that’s specifically aimed at me, designed to be extreme no matter where I go. So if we were suddenly in a senior community that normally didn’t leave dogs unattended and allowed to bark, would we end up with that one fluke next to us who did 3-6 months after moving in? It wouldn’t surprise me if we did.

Other than the continual frustration of Jesse’s dogs and no one hiring around here, happiness is knowing we have a full refrigerator! And knowing that tomorrow morning we’re going to take the $50 K-Mart CG I won and do some fun shopping for a change. It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to do anything like that.

We ordered that special toothpaste that’s supposed to “fill in the holes,” though we didn’t order it from Katie’s father’s site. I won’t tell her that, but we ordered it elsewhere because it was much cheaper. I hope it helps! I’m sick of these miserable cavities.

There were helicopters buzzing around here yesterday too, but they weren’t working on this tower. I think they were over at the next tower with is just beyond the summit.

Although Twitter’s not as much fun as Kiwi and MD since you only have 140 characters per tweet, I now have 2 followers. I guess they’re learning Italian, too. Speaking of which, I oughta get on with flashcards before it gets noisy.

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