Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Got a nice surprise on its way from my folks. Fortunately Tom got their call yesterday, but unfortunately for me, my allergies just had to pick yesterday of all days to pick on me for the first time in months. And so the Benadryl I had taken beforehand knocked me out.

Anyway, I thought he was saying they left a message on the cell at first, but they actually spoke on the landline. They were calling to say they’d shipped a package out that day and had a couple more on the way, which I found both exciting and shocking. I didn’t expect to ever again get packages from them, regardless of the time of year or what was going on, so it’s quite a surprise. I guess that due to costing them a fortune to save us, although we did offer to pay them back, may’ve been why I didn’t expect anything like this. We’ll both be looking forward to whatever’s in them! I think Tom said they said something like “odds and ends.”

They talked about things in general, and that’s pretty much it. They said not to worry about calling them back, but I probably will once we get all 3 packages, plus send a letter as I do every few weeks anyway.

Not much else to report on at this time other than that this is the first time I’ve gotten a new low to stick right away. Yeah, I awoke at 124 pounds for the third day in a row, but again I slept forever, so that may be why.

In Dreamland last night, I was in a huge house-like building where only women were housed. I don’t know if it was a school or what it was, but my so-called roommate was telling me about testifying for some girl that was either raped or murdered. At one point, seemingly early in the morning, I got up off my bed, picked up a pile of DVDs, and said I was going to go see if any food was put out yet and return the DVDs to the shelf in front of our would-be room. I guess we were originally going to get a ground-floor room in an area that had lots of activity as opposed to our upper-floor room that was more out of the way.

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