Wednesday, December 16, 2009

You know you worked out hard when the shower feels sooo good upon entering it! I realized that a part of why I’ve been up a few pounds isn’t just because of overeating, but because I’ve been slacking off with the exercise. For some reason, I tend to stick to running better than riding. I guess I just like running better. So I ran about a mile and a half, then rode an additional mile and a half.

I ate my way up to 128 pounds, even though I look 10-15 pounds lighter since I’m muscular. I’m going to try my hardest not to go over 1000 calories today.

Been making decent money, said hello to Eileen, who says she loves her new lifestyle being so close to Boston and who was in NYC for shopping, eating and shows, and am going to get in some writing tonight.

The motel dreams have shifted to apartment/tooth house dreams, whatever the hell that means.

It made it into the 60s today. I just hope it doesn’t snow again or get into the 20s! That’s so not supposed to happen here!

Gotta do 100 or so ab crunches.

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