Strange how Maliheh hasn’t picked up the message I left her yesterday afternoon on Facebook. Is she just busy? Not in the mood? Sick? Dealing with naughty blacks who like to terrorize anyone that dares to make perfectly reasonable requests of them like keeping their damn racket to themselves?
Waking up to forty-fucking-two messages on MO wasn’t exactly a thrilling thing to do. I figured it was either trolls or spam, but most likely spam and I was right. Some shithead in Ghana left spam on nearly a third of my fucking blog
Why are some sites more susceptible to spam than others? Thanks to this fucker and a growing number of them on MO, I’ve had to disable anonymous commenting. Once is bad enough, but to have to take the time to go around and delete dozens of these same “comments” gets old. Sorry to those who received auto-alerts when commented after on account of this shithead.
Wish MO would also allow us to block friend requests!
And who the hell had nursing training info sent to me via postal mail? Tammy? I just wonder this cuz A, one of her mistakes got into nursing training, and B, she knows I was hesitant to give her my address for fear of her abusing it. Whoever it was, I’ll stick to writing. I prefer my line of work not to include piss, puke, poop, blood and needles unless it’s part of a story I’m writing.
In Citrus Heights there’s a 1981 3-bed, 2-bath triple-wide for 10K (the lot is $765 a month). It’s 1870 square feet and in an ideal location cuz it’s at the end of a cul de sac and no one parks alongside the place. It doesn’t have a garage, though, and has its pros and cons as with any place. It’d be 12 miles to and from work. Here it’s 18 miles.
But why do I have a feeling this is just a dream just like the “octangle” house in Roseville? Oh, maybe because something up there doesn’t like to see us get what we really want. So it’s either settle or stay here longer to save for what we want. sighs This may not be the worst place to be and the dogs may not bark every day, but man do I get sick of being so cramped in here! I’m constantly bumping and banging myself trying to make the bed in such a tiny space and other things. I can’t imagine a huge person living here. They’d be lucky enough to fit through the hallway and bedroom doorway. I can’t wait to not have to move 20 things just to get to 1. I can’t wait to be able to walk up to a full-size washer that’s always hooked up and ready to go and be able to do things like my comforter anytime I want to. I can’t wait to have a dryer instead of having to hang things. Clothes come out so much softer in the dryer. Fabric softener helps keep hang-dried clothes from being overly stiff, but still, just to be able to have a normal washer and dryer setup would be so nice!
So far this house in Roseville with an octangle-shaped bathroom window and garage and the Citrus Heights triple-wide, are the best two we’ve seen so far as park places go where you always rent the spot it’s on even after the thing is paid for. Again, though, the problem isn’t the down payment or affording the monthly lot fees, it’s paying off the house on top of all these things. Especially if it’s thousands a month till it’s all paid for. But with our bad credit, it’s unlikely we could get a loan or anyone willing to work with us. Not a realtor, that is, which is who’s selling the triple-wide. The octangle house may be through the park itself, but we can’t tell that from just looking online. If it were financed through the park that may make it easier for us. Right now, due to the way the checks fall and his getting paid every other week, we have enough for a down payment, but not enough for food, gas, closing costs, and other initial fees. So we won’t know much more till next month. Until we’re in a position to talk to people, we won’t know what’s the best deal for us.
There are also other types of parks to consider like that one where everyone owns a percentage of it, plus another where you own the land it’s on. This way the payments are either super low or nothing at all after the place is paid for. It’s just that these places are usually tiny dumps or super ritzy.
If worse comes to worst and we can’t get what we want, we’ll then have to decide if we want to pay off the $400 or so in bullshit “bills,” and settle for something that’s borderline (meaning it’s cheap enough that we could afford to make it what we wanted, or stay here and save more money). I can tell you right now that staying here won’t be our first choice. So it looks like we’ll still be out of here sometime this year. Just don’t know when or where to. There are so many options and so much more research to do.
Tom figured out why so many cars were parked in the driveways of that place in Roseville; because the garages are too short for many of these newer cars, and Andy figured out that “chirping” sound we heard at IHOP. It was the low battery indicator on the smoke detector.
Decided to put up the new shower curtain even though the butterfly curtain wasn’t in bad shape or anything like that. It’s just that from the looks of things, chances are we’ll have shower doors in the next place. So I figured that even if we’re only here a few more months, why not enjoy our new colorful neon curtain until then? It’s gorgeous! Love the new metal hooks I also got that you just hang it on, instead of those tough-to-use brittle snap-hooks that break so easily.
Some people worry that when I bitch about certain things like some personality traits I dislike in others and when I promised to dump the next person to betray me in certain ways that it’s directed at them. It’s not! I just wanted to set the record straight on that one. If I have a problem with you I promise I’ll let you know it. Anyone who knows me well enough knows I’m very outspoken and not afraid to say what’s on my mind. If you upset me in any way, you’ll be the first to know it. You can count on it. :)
I’ve always been one who likes to not only write down what’s going on but also random thoughts, plans and desires that don’t necessarily have anything to do with what’s going on at the moment. I’m just an observant kind of person. I notice things. I feel things. I think things. And I like to express them whether they do or don’t seem to have any sense of order or connection to me or my life.
The other day I said I would dump anyone else who can’t accept my word about whatever, but that was just stating a fact. I wasn’t implying that I’m planning to dump anyone in particular. I’m not. In cases like that, I don’t plan, I just do. So why tell you I’m going to dump you when I can just do it? But I will tell you what offends me and what I don’t consider a true friend. I don’t care if you don’t see God for the evil, cruel, unfair being that I see Him as. I don’t care if you don’t see pink as a lovely color. I don’t care if you think fried chicken sucks. It was never about having a problem with someone disagreeing with me. But when I’m called a liar for disclosing a disorder I may have, or I’m made to feel that my way of doing things is wrong while yours is the only acceptable and correct way, then I have a problem. Especially if it’s done over and over again after I’ve expressed my feelings to you about it.
Anger after the fact won’t cut it with me either, and no, I’m not presently pissed at anyone who later on down the road told me something I said or did pissed them off when they could’ve told me when I supposedly said or did this offense. It’s merely a fact I’m stating and nothing that’s aimed at anyone in particular. I’m not dropping any hints and trying to tell someone something in a roundabout way.
If I say I believe some of my “friends” may not really be true friends if they would leave me to starve on the streets instead of helping me only to end up saying that I just “didn’t try hard enough” after I was dead, that does not mean I’m talking to whoever may be reading this. It’s just a fact same as if I said I was chewing gum right now.
The rich get picked on just like the poor do, only not as badly. Another observation. People have picked on me for my “poorer” moments in life and the dingy little trailer we live in. I, like many others, am often blamed for circumstances beyond our control. If you’re poor it’s automatically assumed it’s your fault, you asked for it, and you must be lazy. Well, either that or a drunken druggie.
But the rich get their share of shit, too. Rich people are automatically assumed to be selfish, stingy, insensitive little snobs who only give a shit about themselves. Sometimes that may be true, especially if they never knew what it was like to struggle, but they still have their own stigmas as well.
Did I settle for Tom and give up on women? Someone asked me this and it was accidentally deleted when trying to get all that spam out of my blog. Definitely didn’t settle for Tom but I did give up on women. You can’t make be what isn’t meant to be, but I believed I was going to be alone because I’m not a settler. So when I met Tom it was an unexpected surprise. I settled a few times when I was young and felt bad for it. Solitude is better than second best. At least to me, it is. But sure enough, once I stopped trying and was taken, out of the woodwork came the women. There were a few in-person I could’ve had just for casuals and almost did have till whatever’s up there that decided it wasn’t meant to be for whatever reason came in and interfered. Either they moved away, I moved away, they were online and too far away, or whatever. It still goes to prove those right who say they come around when you least expect it and when you’re not looking. Seek and you shall not find.
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