Thursday, July 25, 2013

Going to the pool in about 5 minutes. I figure it takes me 5 minutes to get there and they don’t unlock the gates till 6am anyway.

Got a lot of goodies in the mail yesterday. The best thing was a $50 GC from Tammy and Mark as a housewarming present. We plan to go to Big Lots on Sunday to look at computer desks, so we’ll probably use it there. Who knows, maybe they’ll even have a living room set we like.

My colored acrylic gems in fuchsia, purple and crystal arrived to decorate my glass lamps and vase, and so did my raspberry curtains.

Tom picked up a faucet to replace the master bath’s faucet but who knows when he’ll have time to make the switch? These next two weeks at work are going to be crazy for him but the money is just as crazy, so at least something good is coming from it.

Ok, time to gather up my towel and keys and head out. I’ll do another entry later.


Nane and I have spent both today and yesterday chatting on and off throughout the day. It’s that time of the month when things are slow at work for her. She says reading my bio has gotten her to see me in a different light (for the better, I hope), and that I’m very lucky to have Tom. Indeed I am!

Ah, there’s nothing like a 10-minute walk and a 10-minute swim at the crack of dawn, before most of the world is even awake. Not a soul was around except for a woman who appeared to be in her 60s whom I passed both on the way to and from the pool. This was by the leaker house. The Schmetterlings Haus is still my favorite along the route.

The Jes pest must’ve come around, though, cuz I could smell a little more chlorine.

I might’ve been wrong in saying the window on this side of next door wasn’t openable. When I went to mail my Italian dad’s letter, I thought it looked openable, but I didn’t want to stop and stare at their window either. I still think that’s a bathroom. I hope so anyway. Less likely their mutt will be barking out of it when people start opening windows during the daytime. I have yet to see or hear the mutt, but I’m sure it, as well as many others, have been walked by when I haven’t noticed. They seem to come and go 2-3 times a day, as figured, but if they’ve had any company they’ve been parking in the street and going around to their front door.

It took me 3 shower caddies to get it right, but the one we got that hangs over the shower door in the master bath definitely makes it a bit roomier in there. One of the other ones can go in the second bath, then we’ll have an extra.

Started to worry the place was haunted for a minute there yesterday, something I would absolutely hate. Haven’t heard many “friendly” ghost stories. I figure that if a place is haunted, something bad happened there or someone died there and so whatever it is that’s lurking about isn’t likely to be friendly. Instead, it’s likely to see you as an intruder on their turf.

Upon walking up to the front door after mailing my letter, the front light came on. I had no idea it had a motion sensor in it. Then I could’ve sworn I heard someone in the house when I was in the bathroom. It was probably just the house settling or them out and about next door.

Sometimes I just don’t feel like my old self, particularly in the joints. It’s not so much pain as it is stiffness and lack of mobility, especially in the hips and back. At first I thought I just wasn’t active enough. Then I thought it was the extra weight. But I am active enough and I’m not severely overweight, so now I’m guessing it’s just age.

I was going to call Paula, but can’t get any sound on my computer phone. I had a dial tone yesterday, so I don’t know what went wrong between now and then. Better have Tom look at it.


I always try to judge people by their behavior and not their color. After all, that’s what defines our personalities and all that, not our race, nationality, height, weight or things like that. But some people really disgust me with the way they treat others.

I was disgusted by the reaction to the George Zimmerman verdict by both blacks and whites alike. I’m tired of people seeing racism where it’s not and not seeing it where it actually is. I’m not at all surprised that people are labeling Zimmerman and his jury racist. Had the colors been swapped and Zimmerman had gotten off as a black man shooting a white man, nobody would give a shit. But as soon as a black person is killed or imprisoned everyone’s quick to scream “racism!” unless it’s an all-black or all-white case. From what I’ve heard about the case George Zimmerman shot Trayvon with just cause.

I was equally disgusted by the case of a white mother and child shot and killed in a mostly black neighborhood whose perps were never charged with the hate crime that they should’ve been charged with. But as with the Zimmerman case, I’m not at all shocked. This reverse discrimination bullshit has been going on since the 90s. I’m far from the only victim of it and so were this poor mother and child.

Yet sadly, some groups continue on with more rights than whites while others continue on with fewer rights than everyone of any color/race.

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