Sunday, July 7, 2013

Supposedly we’re on for getting the keys tomorrow and moving on Tuesday, but I’ll believe it when I see it. These aren’t friends or people I’ve known for years with nothing to gain by lying to me. These are complete strangers. High-rated business or not, I don’t simply take the word of people I don’t know. Especially when they’ve fallen back on their word 3 times already.

Tammy left a VM with encouraging words, saying we will get the house. I hope so, but if we’re still meant to be renters, we won’t be staying here. That much I do know.

They really piss me the fuck off cuz we’ve been seriously inconvenienced by their incompetence yet no one seems to give a shit as long as they’re not affected by it. I just don’t understand why so many people are so damn dumb and can’t simply do their jobs. Holidays or not, lack of workers or not, people are so damn dumb that I’m almost ashamed and embarrassed for them. Do most people’s brains just not fully develop or something? Typical or not I still feel like something up there is determined to make things hard for us at times. All they had to do was just wire the fucking money and give us the keys. That’s all they had to do. How hard is that compared to Tom building computers and writing programs, Tammy gardening and running a business, and me learning other languages and writing books?!

So is Maliheh now contacting me on Ask? I wonder. They referred to me as “boss.” Well, no one’s ever called me that before and the only one I called boss, due to her bossy attitude, was her. Then my sweet but annoying Serbian friend gave me a thumbs-up icon when I PM’d her to ask if she’d sent me anything anonymously, only to turn around afterward and say sorry she couldn’t get back to me right away, but no, she hasn’t.

Oh well. Whoever it is obviously doesn’t want me knowing who they are, though it’s not like they’ve said anything bad. They’re probably just a random follower of one of my blogs cuz they seem to know enough about what’s going on in my life.

There are definitely other Kathy and Adam haters out there cuz they gave me Adam’s FB link, saying he likes to message young girls, etc. I believe that account, which I discovered by accident, was created to keep tabs on me and I’ve already blocked it. Then I get “Please leave my husband alone,” from Kathy herself. Sure thing. I can ignore those who ignore me.

Anyway, who’s doing what online isn’t important. Interesting and curious maybe, but not important. All that’s important right now is that we get the hell into our fucking house or get our money back! I just want to get on with our lives and stop repeating those “lasts.” We weren’t supposed to ever again do laundry here or vacuum or change the rats’ cage. I’m also not supposed to be worrying about the Jes pest waking me up again either, but with my shit luck he’ll be down tomorrow morning, and I’ll have to once again explain to him that we do have his number and that we’ll call him as soon as we learn anything. Talking to most adults is like talking to little kids, I swear!


So I saw the Jodi Arias movie and wow. She was a true, honest-to-God stalker with the way she followed Travis and took his picture and all that. That was definitely REAL stalking. But even though Travis certainly didn’t deserve what he got, he sure was a real shit with the way he led her on and played with her head so cruelly. Saying they were in a relationship, then referring to it as their “friendship,” then her as a 3-hole wonder. His “dirty little secret.” He deserved at least the beating she gave him.

While I’m sure they threw things in for “entertainment purposes,” I like that they at least had the guts to expose Travis for the gamer that he was. Had it been me it would have been all about me and how horrible only I was. Travis would’ve been portrayed as a saint and a hero. That’s how it was in my case, even though my case was totally different and no one came remotely close to even slapping anyone let alone being killed. But still it was all about me. Me, me, me. Never once did anyone question the “victim’s” credibility.

So it was nice that they showed both sides for once instead of making it seem like the victim was this total perfect saint who never did a damn thing to provoke anyone. I think that sure, there are plenty of totally innocent victims out there. But sometimes people give others a reason (not that they’re responsible for other people’s actions), to treat them less than kindly. Keep teasing or harassing the tiger and it’s eventually going to pounce. Well, we were tormented by our neighbors way back when and we eventually pounced with city complaints and words in journal excerpts. However, I had no way of knowing at the time that they were friends with a pig who would type a threatening letter to add to the “evidence” after getting my prints on it during our little interrogation party.

But Jodi definitely wasn’t set up for anything or retaliated against in any way. She should’ve just dumped the guy, though I can see her kicking his ass a bit first. Maybe it would’ve made Travis think twice the next time he messed with some girl’s head. If anything, though, this may make more guys think – play with your girl’s head and you just might be taken out for it.

If things really played out like in the movie, though I’m not sure it was really premeditated murder. I think she initially went over to his house to try to win him back, but the text message from the other girl is what set her off in the end, turning it into a crime of passion. To me, it was still 1st-degree murder since she knew what she was doing and all that, and I’m ok with her receiving the death penalty, not that I think she’ll get it.

The funny-mean part was where she sent a naked pic of him with “Like what you see?” to his boss. That was definitely going way overboard and nothing I would ever do, but still kinda funny.

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