Sunday, July 21, 2013

Today’s going to be busy, busy, busy, but fun, fun, fun. Even if it means having to go to the pool when it’s crowded and full of screaming kids who are visiting. IDK, maybe the parents (or grandparents) will keep them at least somewhat civilized.

First, though, Tom and I are going to hit Walmart real early for both groceries and other things.

Things have been peaceful here save for scattered car doors thumping. The only real frustration lately is the fact that a flying rock cracked Tom’s windshield for the second time in less than a year. :(

I was added by a Lea P on Facebook (didn’t realize I had my thing set to allow friend invites from everyone). Then I saw her account was mostly about God and heterosexual pride and I’m like, why is this chick even friending me? When I asked both in a message and on her wall how she found me, I was ignored, so I deleted her. Whoever it was (Kim? Molly? Molly-related?) was still around, though, because they went from 17 friends to 34 friends over the course of the day. They don’t seem to be a spam account of any kind so I don’t know what’s up with that.

I forgot to take a picture of the little clump of prickly pear cactus that’s at the end of the driveway. Tammy says she thinks the pink flowers by next door are tiger lilies, and yes, she still does have to have a lung transplant for sure. :( Aw, I was hoping she would improve enough not to need one. But if I remember correctly, they only need to do one lung. I don’t want to ask her about it because it’s not something she likes to think about.

Slept on Mrs. S’s flannel sheets last night. They stay put better but are a bit warm for this time of year. As much as I bitched and complained about all the shit they left behind, I really do appreciate some of it. Besides, someday we’re going to die (just maybe not here) and someone’s going to have to pick up after us and clean out our shit. That’ll be a helluva lot more than they left.

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