Friday, October 11, 2013

Since I believe in fate (at least I think I do), but not prayer, let’s just say that I hope tomorrow’s lumpectomy goes well for Alison. There’s only a 14% chance, she says, that the cancer could return, so hopefully she’ll fall into that minority. That girl’s had enough shit in the health department.

As for yesterday’s black/white rant, the statistics are there. My feelings and opinions aren’t something I simply chose at random to believe, but are based on actual facts. Blacks make up for 80% of the crime committed in this country regardless of state, region or climate. Why people choose to ignore this, make excuses for them, or go easier on them beats me. From what I’ve heard, many courts are afraid to go as hard on them as they do whites for fear of either being sued for racism or inciting a riot. They are favored in most courts and in most job markets as many feel they “deserve a chance” after the hell they went through 50 years ago. Again, I don’t know what 50 years ago should have to do with today, or why they think they don’t have just as much chance at success as anyone else if they work hard enough toward their goals, but life isn’t always fair. People aren’t always honest. Many employers that have to choose between a qualified white and a not-so-qualified black, WILL take the black. Same with men vs. women. Men really do tend to get favored over women. But don’t take my word for it. Go research the stats and make your own decision. I’m just responding to the question about what makes me believe the way I do. Tall people really do tend to be favored over short people, people really do prefer blonds even though they call them dumb, and men really do get paid more than women. Denying this or playing this down won’t make it go away. What I don’t get is why attitudes toward color have changed while gender hasn’t.

If I were an employer I wouldn’t care that your great-granddaddy might have been a slave. I’d only care that you were qualified to do the job! And having a dick between your legs wouldn’t make the numbers on your paycheck any higher than my female employees unless you had seniority or a job that paid more regardless of anything else.

Meanwhile, just like with the Muslims out there, I’m only what they themselves have made me, and I’m beyond sick of their shit. They whine, bitch and complain, but no matter how much we give them, NOTHING is ever good enough. Where it’s an automatic response to go “Ouch!” when something hurts, they automatically cry “Racism!” as soon as someone white doesn’t see eye to eye with them or give them what they want. Again, not trying to sway anyone’s mind left, right, up or down; just telling you like it is. They are loved, favored, accepted and protected with rights whites never had or will have throughout most of the country. I know this. I just don’t think it’s right to favor any particular group is all.

That Sugar ratty of mine is a real little devil. Romeo’s too stupid to figure it out, but Sugar’s figured out how to open the door of the cage if I forget to latch it. Last night I unhooked the door, but neither rat seemed interested in coming out to play just yet and was still asleep in their tube.

I suddenly felt the need for a nap. A rarity for me. So I went and lay down. At one point I thought I heard movement in the room, but didn’t think much of it. I drifted off for two hours. When I got up I saw that Sugar wasn’t home and so I called to him. When he didn’t come to me I thought maybe he managed to squeeze under the laundry room door. Rats do come with collapsible rib cages, after all. I knew then that he must’ve fallen asleep somewhere since they usually come when called, especially if they hear plastic rustling where their food is kept.

So I just let it go for a while… and then I heard paper rustling behind me. That was when I realized the little Diablo fell asleep in a box with packing paper I left out for them to play in. I’m just glad this is one of the least destructive rats we’ve ever had. Romeo isn’t that destructive either, despite being a biter, but I’d still rather Sugar be the escape artist and not Romeo.

Since it’s unlikely I’m going to get any smaller due to age and genetics and all that fun stuff, I think I’ll dye my hair this weekend and take a current pic of myself. No, I didn’t get as small as I’d like, but I am smaller, healthier and fitter and not half bad for one who’s almost 48.

My buttered popcorn incense doesn’t smell like buttered popcorn, but it sure is good. Burning the Bump & Grind now, which has a mild fruity smell to it.


Had another emotional moment (in a good way) when I did something yesterday morning that I should’ve done 3 months ago when we first moved in here. As I stared at the dingy 30-year-old curtains hanging in the kitchen and laundry room, I remembered the curtains and valances I had picked out for our Maricopa home nearly 14 years ago. I almost gave them up when we lost that house because I never thought we’d own again, and hanging them in dumpy rentals just didn’t seem right. So I pulled them out and here they hang, in a home that is once again ours. Ours until God takes it away from us just like… no!!! I’m not going to think like that. At least not right now.

The curtains look great in their new home. Only difference is that 14 years ago I could admire them without glasses.

The house across the street is for sale again. The same lady who sold this place is selling it.

Getting sick of fish and eggs, so I think I may take a week off from the low-carb scene. There are only so many low-carb foods anyway. So this week will be full of no-nos like potatoes and pasta. I’ll still have some meat, fruits, veggies and dairy, though. I just get sick of the same old, same old, and like variety. I’m not going to lose any more weight anyway, based on how long I’ve been where I’m at. That’s ok. As they say in the fitness videos, it’s not all about what the scale says, and any changes you see on the outside after eating healthy and exercising are just a bonus. Well, I’m no skinny mini, but I think I’m doing pretty damn well for nearly 48 years of age. I feel fantastic! Hanging those curtains, especially the ones over the kitchen sink, would’ve been tremendously hard on me back when I was out of shape and on the edge of the obese range. Now I’m no longer obese, and although I could afford to lose more, it’s ok if I don’t.

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