Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sure enough, the instant I allow anonymous questions on Ask, Kim asks what made me decide to go public – the same shit she asks me every time. Originally I was going to manipulate her questions and change a question like that to “What made you decide to go public so I can easily harass you?” but decided she’s not worth the effort. Leaving it anonymous only leaves an easy connection going between us that I don’t want, and eventually, Kathy and company will come trickling through the door, too.

She is one champion liar, though. Aly said some chick named Gabby (who Aly also dumped for defending Kim and being too much like her) said Kim swore on FB she hasn’t been to any of my pages in over a year. I never met anyone like her before in my life that could lie like that. Just one lie after another after another. Only other people make mistakes. Meanwhile, Kim M can do no wrong. Seriously she has no sense of remorse or guilt and has NEVER owned up to or apologized for any of her lies. Ever.

Talked to a friend that’s around the same height and age. She too, has to withstand 1000 calories just to lose a few pounds, active or not. That week it takes her to lose it seems like a month, and one extra bite – just one extra bite – sends it all hurling back on in just a day. 20 years ago she could just cut back a bit, eat healthy, and off it came. I can relate!

If you can stand 1000 calories every single day, week after week, month after month, you are AMAZING! Me, all I want to do on that is lay in bed feeling weak as hell and moaning with hunger pangs. I can practically feel my brain shut down. 1500 is as low as I can go.

Big or not, I’m still keeping fit and working out. Exercise still helps to at least keep my weight from going any higher and I have so much more energy! My strong points are the ab and arm exercises, but my weak points are in the legs. Especially anything that’s high-impact and requires jumping. Tossing a 145-pound body up in the air over and over again is no easy task. For those exercises, the extra body weight works both for and against me. It bogs me down but also challenges me and helps make me stronger cuz it’s like wearing built-in ankle/wrist weights, as funny as that may sound. If you’re lying on your side doing leg raises, then you’d have to be severely obese to struggle with something like that.

What’s scary is knowing that someday I’m going to get too old to do this shit, and then what? If I were forced to sit on my ass due to illness, injury or age, my weight would skyrocket to the point where I probably couldn’t bend over and reach the floor. And I wouldn’t have to make a pig of myself or eat much junk to do it either. 1500 cals sitting on my ass? I don’t think so! I’d have to drop to at least 1200. Not that much easier than 1000. :( Oh well. As all those sayings go – Make the best of it… Change what you can, accept what you can’t… Look at the bright side…

My bright side? I can go to the pool or beach in Maui all by myself if Tom didn’t feel like going at the moment and no pervert’s gonna undress me with its beady little eyes and maybe even pester me to the point of wanting to drown it. :)

Anyway, Miss Fat-n-Fit is going to hope today ends up as quiet as yesterday was. I doubt it will, though. Today’s the day they usually do yard work on a couple of houses in front.

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