Friday, September 12, 2014

So now I’ve learned that not only do my messages sometimes fail to go through, but I can also fail to get some people’s replies to my messages. Norma read my message and replied, but I never received it. She thanked me for it on her wall where I asked her if she’d gotten it, and said she was glad I sent it. 

What was weird was that she searched my 80s blog and looked up a story I shared and later deleted, around the same time we communicated. 

Makes me wonder if the good doc not only got my message but replied to it, too. My first guess is that she never got it. And if she is one day no longer my doctor and I send her a friend request, God above and Facebook will make sure she never gets that either, right? And it hit me last night that no, she won’t be my doctor for much longer. Something will happen to see to it that she isn’t because as Oregon taught me, those I’m hot for or that I like very much don’t seem to stick around for long. Liz, Jane, Jan and Randy all taught me this well. 

I can’t believe Facebook continues to let these hit-or-miss messages be an issue after all this time. It’s always going to be a seriously unreliable place to reach out to others. There’s no need for this either and it makes me wonder if they want it to be that way for some reason. But why? To deter users? 

I slept well and don’t remember any of my dreams. Wish we could play them back on the computer or something after waking up! That would be so neat, though given how dark so many of my dreams are, it may be like watching a really twisted Stephen King movie. 

Next door came and went as usual yesterday, but didn’t slam doors a million times or work in the garage. 

Went out riding after midnight. That’s a great time because the park is dead. Only one car went by. It’s harder to see the speed bumps and all that, but easier to see oncoming traffic due to the headlights. In the daytime, the roads are easier to see, but the mutt walkers tend to get in the way. 

I was passing a dark section of the park when I noticed something by the side of the road. I swerved to the middle of the road and saw it was a skunk that turned and ran in the opposite direction. 

Further down I saw something big run fast from the road down toward the ditch. It was too fast for a turkey and they’re not out at night anyway. A coyote? Loose dog? 

For a park that’s obsessed with mowing, blowing and trimming, there sure are a lot of leaves and twigs along the outskirts of the place.

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