Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Was so glad to see both of them, especially Bob, take off about an hour ago. Hopefully, they won’t return before it’s too hot to play saw and hammer games outdoors. 

Noticed we didn’t get any garden goodies from them this year. Is it because they didn’t have enough to spare, or did they decide they don’t like us very much due to the age difference? 

Passed both Jim and Bob on my bike this morning, and the other bikers, joggers, walkers and mutt walkers stayed out of my way, so that was nice. 

Surprisingly we’re on for a storm tomorrow, but the “storms” here are often wimpy if they occur at all. 

Had a weird dream last night that I was in a high-rise when I saw a plane flying overhead. It was low enough to see the design on it and the “plane” was this oval-shaped thing with colorful dragons painted on it. I was thinking that I’d seen that plane before, or at least one with that particular design. Then it arced downward and just seconds before it crashed I realized it was about to do just that. It hit the ground thunderously and a plume of smoke and fire arose from it immediately. Just seconds afterward, sirens could be heard. The dream ended with me running to close the windows to keep the smoke out. 


Andy's such an airhead at times. He told me his SIL trimmed his toenails cuz he’s too fat to do them properly. I told him to get on his knees like Tom does when he does his nails and puts his shoes on, and he asked how the hell he could trim his nails on his knees. “Well, you don’t trim the one you’re kneeling on, you dipshit,” I told him. 

Alison created yet another new email addy, which she says is because of Molly’s mother. Apparently, she was hounding her to spy on Molly for her. Couldn’t she just mark the bitch as spam? Speaking of spam she said she was also suddenly getting a huge amount of it when only a few friends knew of that email address. One of mine got a huge surge of spam a while back, too. I’ve always wondered if there was some other reason I’m not aware of as to why she keeps changing emails and accounts on various sites so often. 

She needs to stop creating accounts in her real name. If you’re willing to pay for them, email addresses can be found. I’m amazed Mommy Dearest hasn’t found and emailed me yet. Still, if she doesn’t know what name to look for, she can’t stalk her. I also still think that her continuing to be friends with the likes of Kim and Molly is like a woman who won’t leave an abusive lover. We know, though, that we can’t just confront and dump them or else they’ll lash out at us. We simply have to ignore them at all costs. I’m willing to do that and that’s part of why they’ve finally fucked off (besides the fact that I think they knew they were pushing me into going after them), but Aly’s never been able to fully let go. There’s always one last reply to their shit she has to make in order to defend or explain herself. Like they’re going to get it anyway? 

The mother’s definitely scarier than Molly and now that she’s retired she has more time on her hands. Molly’s just crazy, but not smart. When you add intelligence to crazy, however, as is the case with the mother, you could have more of a problem to deal with. Pretty sad that she not only stalks people right along with her daughter but would enlist someone online who she never met to spy on her own daughter for her. 

Lost 3 of the 6 pounds I gained since going off my meds, but I’m not stupid. Reset mode will begin anytime after the 20th. Staying around where I’m at, though, is better than gaining and gaining. 


Had a freaky, almost scary eye experience. It’s like my left eye lost its mind for a minute. A thin flashing arc of what almost looked like an abstract design was visible with my eye open or closed. I could see it no matter which direction I moved my eye in. When I first noticed I had trouble seeing the screen I thought something was on my glasses at first. Fortunately, it didn’t last long. 

Today has been incredibly noisy for hours and probably will be for yet a few more hours. No, it’s not next door. It’s whatever the fuck they’ve been doing in back. The park has been working on something and I’m not sure if it’s cutting trees or digging up the road or both. We know they did something in a small section of the road in back, but I’ve heard horrendously loud machinery running all day that sounded like chainsaws, wood chippers, and God knows what else. All I can see from here is a large utility vehicle of some kind and some orange cones. 

I am totally, totally dismayed at how noisy most of the weekdays are here. Totally. It saddens me to know that this is how it will always be no matter where we go and no matter what we do. There is just no getting any peace in this world if you’re me. I wonder how many more years the nights will at least be peaceful before that too, is gone. 

If they’re going to make so much damn racket, why don’t they do something useful and flatten out the sides of the speed bumps for us bikers? 

Next door was only gone for a few hours. Yeah, I knew I couldn’t get lucky enough to have them make a day of it, but they’re not the noisy ones today. Saw Bob take off on his bike not too long ago. Wow, he can take the heat better than I would have thought. It’s nearly 90° out, but on a bike, it doesn’t seem as hot. 

Does this guy own anything other than white T-shirts? LOL, it occurred to me the other day that that’s all I’ve ever seen him wear. And where does he get so much energy? He sleeps 6 hours or less a night, goes out and walks a couple of miles, comes home and runs errands (if he isn’t working in the garage), then he goes off on his bike. So much for thinking our energy levels decline with age! 

Getting really sick of having to spend so much time alone, though I know I should enjoy it because one day Tom will be retired and I’ll be wishing I had more space like I did when he was unemployed. Unfortunately, he has to work Saturday, too. He said he could always say no if I really wanted him too, but nah. As he pointed out, the money is great. If he keeps it up till the end of October, we will have eliminated all our debt except for what we owe on the house and car. Plus we can get me a new laptop and him a 3D printer. We can still get by easily enough on his base pay, but the OT pays things off faster and builds our savings and the 401 faster.

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