Thursday, September 18, 2014

Was out riding just after 6am and was surprised to find it a bit cloudy and muggy. I could even hear a distant rumble of thunder. Sure enough, though, the sun is now shining brightly and Bob, tree services, and other sources of insanely loud and annoying shit are now free to disrupt my day. 

Yesterday was worse than Jesse ever was at his absolute worst with some tree service that was here for 8 hours tending to one of the houses in back. It was terrible. Just terrible. Tom asked if I escaped to the Windows PC in the laundry room and I said, “Are you kidding? It was so incredibly loud that there was no point in the house, as big as this place is, that I could run to.” I would have had to blast the shit out of my music to drown it out but that would’ve only doubled the insanity. 

Andy asked if we were going to move to a quieter location. Nope. It would only be a matter of time before that “quieter location” became chaotic during the weekdays just like most weekdays are here. Besides, I just painted all these walls! Almost all of them, anyway. We still have the laundry room and bathrooms to do. So, no moving unless the economy collapses again and they lay him off and we lose the place, or we move when he retires, or we die. If you can’t get peace in a retirement community, you’ll never get it anywhere. I’ve learned that. Weekdays are just a noisy time of day no matter where you go. I’m just glad the nights are peaceful and I hope it stays that way! If it doesn’t, then we have grounds to complain and demand something be done about it. Otherwise, people have a right to build birdhouses and butcher their trees in the daytime no matter how annoying and distracting it may be. 

I saw Jim at the start of my ride. He prefers to stick to walking continuously around the circle where Bob circles the park, then joins Jim for a few rounds. I passed Bob at the other end of the park, briefly entertained the fantasy of running him over, waved and said hello, and now I’ve got a rainstorm vid going on YouTube to drown out any smaller sounds out there. 

I wonder if Bob ever even gets colds? Better yet, I wonder how many more years it will be before I do. That’s part of why I got Hashimoto’s; because my immune system is so damn good (since quitting smoking) that it kills both real and imaginary diseases. 

More importantly, I hope I don’t have any “flashing arcs” in my eye again today. I’m dismayed at how scary things have been for me after the nightmare I went through with the levothyroxine side effects. I didn’t panic, but I was still a little too freaked out for comfort. In the past, something like that would’ve been weird and I’d have been curious, but not scared. Now, the slightest off thing and I’m nervous as hell. It’s like what happened a while back messed up my head for life, though Tom assures me I don’t need a shrink and I’m getting better and better each day. I know he’s right, but sometimes it doesn’t feel that way. Also, if seeing a shrink just once is going to keep my lovely PCP from nagging me, then fine. I also want someone who will restock my lorazepam as needed, because even though I only take 1-3 a week, it’s still nice to have. Then again, maybe my PCP would refill me. I still have about 20 left, so I’m set for a while. 

Tom said the flashing in my eye could be a sign of a detached retina, but that you can’t know anything for sure with just one incident. I hope it stays just one incident!

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