Friday, January 9, 2015

The hot redheaded chick from my dreams of two nights ago didn’t return to rub suntan lotion on me, but I sure woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. First the fucking traffic woke me up and then I woke up an hour before I wanted to. Right now I’m trying to flip my schedule for seeing my new endo doctor on the 19th.

Then I got up with a cramp in my shoulder and sore boobies as my period gets closer. I’m guessing it will be on time now that I’m back on the medication. Then I go to take a tinkle and get the shit scared out of me when I flush the toilet. The park obviously turned our water off again because it was spitting air at me really loud and that’s what startled me. That’s something like the 3rd or 4th time in less than a month, too. They really need to stop this shit before I seriously consider skipping out on a month’s space rent. I don’t give a shit how old these pipes are, if they had done it right the first time around and replaced everything at once like they should have, we wouldn’t have to keep playing these water games. This is why I try to avoid showering and running the dishwasher and the washer during the daytime, especially the shower in the dishwasher. The washer would simply wait until the water was turned back on, but the dishwasher’s motor could burn up. I won’t get into how pissed off I’d be if I got stuck with a head full of either shampoo or conditioner that I couldn’t rinse out for a while.

I live in a fucking luxury park yet they turn our water off and do absolutely nothing to regulate noise. As I said in one of my previous entries, you just need to be old enough, pay your rent on time, and keep your mutts under 25 pounds. They don’t give a shit what else you do.

I’m loving my new sneakers, but one of my purple glitter shoes likes to pinch my big toe and I have to stretch it out when I’m not wearing them by jamming a pair of balled-up socks in it or something like that. With the way I can fit into kids’ shoes and with the way they’re so colorful and shiny, I will never wear adult shoes again! LOL

Alison said that eating yogurt before bed can give her nightmares and it’s funny she should say that because I had a yogurt before I had that nightmare I had a couple of nights ago.


Speaking of that, Irene predicts Nane will contact me at the end of the month, but you know what? I don’t give a shit if she does or doesn’t. If she does, though, she better lose the hypocrisy.

When I was reading back on some of my old entries from a few years ago, some of it made me giggle at the silliness of it, but there were some parts like when I was stalked, followed and harassed relentlessly for years by a certain individual and her mother and that really pissed the shit out of me. Reading back on that I could feel some of that old anger surge through me due to what they put me through. Part of it is directed at myself as well because I feel I could have done a better job of making it harder for them to contact and pester me. The real frustration was them going through my friends to get to me. I was totally helpless there unlike with my own accounts. I still could’ve made my own accounts less accessible. I guess an even bigger part of me felt that by doing that I was allowing myself to be controlled by these nutjobs. Also, if I closed doors to them I would also be closing doors to other people that I might actually want to hear from.

Earlier I was thinking about how wonderful my life is these days. But sometimes even the best of lives could use some excitement to spice it up. I need something new and exciting and interesting to add fun variety to my life, but I don’t know what that should be. At the same time, I’m afraid to wish for any real action to come my way because it seems that whenever something happens to shake my world it’s usually not in a good way.

I will never ever forget the morning of January 6, 2000, as I slowly sauntered through the house thinking, well, it’s great that we’re all moved it, but now what? I’m bored silly and I need some excitement.

And then there was a knock on the door and I wasn’t the least bit bored for years to come. Fifteen years later and unexpected knocks on the door still makes me a bit nervous, not that people come knocking much in a retirement community.

Not that I’m exactly “bored,” but the things that seem to happen to cure any sense of boredom or familiar and comfortable yet sometimes old routine, are usually rather disastrous events. I don’t want to be left traumatized; I want to be left feeling like I felt during that magical week we spent in Hawaii.

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