Saturday, January 3, 2015

Turns out my San Antonio visitor was really an NS member who bookmarked my blog, not Molly. Oops. I unblocked her IP# after she asked if the blog had been hacked, saying that she’d see it for a few seconds and then get redirected, LOL.

I’m now down 2.8 pounds after 3 days of Fast Fiving! Still gotta see myself get under 145 pounds to believe it’ll keep working with this dead thyroid of mine. Well, I’m now at 148, even if I may look 20 pounds lighter with the muscle I have.

The hunger has been a real killer. Yesterday started off bad, but then I was okay later on. I also had a headache Tom says is from the hunger, and he (and others) think the anxiety I had was also due to the stress of the super low calories. No wonder they don’t recommend doing this for more than a week! It’s incredibly hard on the body and a reminder of just how cruel it is for those who insist on breeding in third-world countries to keep doing so. No, the pull-out method may not be 100% foolproof, but it sure would lower their starving, suffering population really fast if they exercised some common sense. As they say… a little common sense really can go a long way!

As for my own starving ass… it’s going for a bike ride later this morning despite the freezing cold. Damn, do I wish I lived in a tropical climate!

Had a bunch of weird dreams last night. In one dream several different parks in this area were having a talent competition, and then in another Tom told me the house was all paid for.

I was then working on a laptop while Tom sat nearby reading a magazine or something. People went by our window talking really loud and I commented on it being distracting.

In the last dream, I had 6 kids and 1 miscarriage, LOL. I bounced a toddler on my lap and said to Tom, “Who would have ever thought I’d have so many kids so late in life? I wouldn’t have had that one miscarriage if it hadn’t gotten bumped out.” I guess I bumped my stomach on something. Then I said, “Had someone told me I’d have all these kids I’d have laughed. Would you have believed it?”

He shook his head and I asked, “How old are my kids now anyway?”

Tom shrugged and said, “I don’t know. I guess they range from 2-4 months to 6 years.”

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