Sunday, September 17, 2017

Someone on Prosebox did a brief entry saying that the movie Knock Knock was very traumatizing and do not watch it. Naturally, I was curious to check it out, and I did. I thought it was a fantastic movie! It was unique and even had some funny parts in what was otherwise a very serious home invasion movie where a couple of young girls assault and rape a middle-aged family guy home alone for the weekend.

It wasn’t available for free on Netflix so I watched it on Amazon Prime. I’m now watching Adulterers on Netflix. I don’t usually watch a movie all in one sitting. Movies are reserved for when I’m eating because the act of eating alone is boring. Sort of like a stationary bike or the skier. Can’t stand to do them without watching something, reading or listening to music. I am so totally getting a treadmill desk when we move.

We got a lot done over the weekend, but poor Tom burned his finger with the glue gun. He said it hurt like hell, and as fate would have it, our antibiotic ointment had expired.

I have resubmitted my newly improved and re-edited version of A Rainbow in Munich to my publishers at Amazon but with the same cover.

This week I will go through Shane and I should be able to submit that next weekend.

I continue to be amazed and even horrified by the number of Muslim supporters out there all in the name of political correctness. No matter how many evil deeds we see this radical culture commit, God help you if you dare say the slightest thing negative about them. Yeah, people will have a bleeding heart for terrorists but they’ll refuse to be taxed just a little bit more so we can have universal healthcare here in America.

It’s days like today that really break up the monotony of things. I love what I do but if I do it every single day of every single week and every single month and every single year, it would drive me crazy. Same with if I didn’t get out once a week or so. So I really appreciate how fun today was with good food and new goodies.

First, we went to Raley’s where I picked up some K-cups and we got some gourmet chocolate chip cookies to share that are totally awesome. There are nearly 400 calories per cookie. That’s more than some of my TV dinners!

Then for just $17, we had fun at the dollar store. He got some tools, pens and pencils for his new toolbox that almost looks like a black suitcase that you can wheel around and that has a pull-up handle, too.

I got the following items:

1.     Rose scented air freshener.

2.     Vanilla incense.

3.     Pink toenail clippers.

4.     A stick grip for reaching things out of reach or in tight spaces.

5.     Two black plastic rat Halloween figures.

6.     A couple of doorknob decorations with bells hanging from ribbons.

7.     Two solar toys. A sunflower with blue flowers at the sides of it, and a bouquet of pink flowers.

Last night I dreamed I was swimming somewhere with 40 or 50 other people. Pretty sure it was an ocean and not a lake. We were quite a ways away from the shore. There was some kind of wall and raft/floor that was about 4 feet beneath the surface of the water and that I was standing on. I began to swim away from it and then all of a sudden there was a noticeably strong current. People seemed to grow a little alarmed and I realized it was a whirlpool that had begun to form. I quickly swam back and huddled against the wall because the current wasn’t as strong there. I don’t know if anyone got sucked under or not.

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