Sunday, October 15, 2017

My fourth book has been released on Amazon! The book is heavy with sexual content. Before she dumped me, Aly inspired the BDSM theme in it, so it is rather explicit in some ways.

When Tom read it he surprised me by telling me he thought it was one of my best stories but at the same time, it was hard to read because of Tesla’s suffering. As a suspense writer, I definitely gotta pump up the drama. He said he found it to be a more complex plot than I usually do. I’m surprised because I really didn’t think he would like this one. I wasn’t so sure myself that I even hesitated to publish it at first. But then I realized that what’s good and what’s not is a subjective thing.

For a split second - just a split second - I almost wished my parents were here to share this with. You know, the mother that threw me into the state’s hands because I was too weird and too hyper and then told people I attacked her with a knife to cover her actions? The weapon changed along the way, of course. Sometimes it was a knife, other times it was a hammer. Believe me, had I attacked her I would admit it right here, right now because there’s no way anyone could use it against me at this point. Any destructiveness I did engage in was against myself.

Sadly, my mother got sick of having children around the same as a four-year-old might get sick of their old doll. But in the ‘50s and ‘60s, you had kids whether you wanted them or not. It was much easier for her to tell this bullshit story to people rather than have to listen to them say, “What! How could you give up on your own daughter and give her up to the state just because the professionals said she had problems, which by the way, you’re the root cause of?” In her mind, this was a great way to justify making the house kid-free, since the others were already on their own.

Even if they were still alive, though, my father would be happy for me but my mother likely wouldn’t care, if she wasn’t jealous. Unless it was something she was into herself or was able to do as well, she usually wasn’t interested. Now, if I sold decorative flags, then she would be plenty interested because she did the same thing and that way there would be no “competition” being something she could personally relate to. It truly seemed that other than with my ASL, having a daughter who knew more things than she did was nothing to be proud of. No, it was something to be embarrassed by and jealous of.

Anyway, onto more pleasant subjects that don’t include toxic people, dead or alive. I used a random city name picker to select locations in the stories I’m doing for NaNo, and the damn thing landed smack dab on Sacramento. Tom was laughing his ass off over that one. I’ve done enough on the home front, though. Stepping into Psycho will be in Columbus, Ohio, and Roomies will be in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Brown-black hair on me is better than gray, but I still think this is a bit dark for me and a little witchy-looking. I don’t want to go back to traditional dyes so we researched other forms of hair coloring, and I think I might eventually try this henna-based solution so I can have light-medium brown. It’s a pain in the ass to use but doesn’t have any ammonia or peroxide in it, so it shouldn’t damage the hair.

There are some houses for sale here that are going for 164K. I went to a site that tells you the current value of your home and was told this place is worth a little over 100K. I don’t think so, though.

What I don’t get is… how blind can the park manager be? The kid in the loud car is back to zooming in and out several times a day, and I swear I saw their mutt running loose down the end of the street. How can they not know what’s going on with these people? I honestly can’t believe no one else has complained. Makes me think they’re affiliated with the park somehow and that they might work here.

Couldn’t get into Mindbender, so I’m just watching movies now on Netflix.

The weather has been in the low 80s. We went to Vintage & More where people sell things they no longer want or that they’ve made. There are so many things to look at in that store. Tons of dolls, knickknacks, jewelry and more. Despite the many goodies there I only walked out with a dazzling 4-dollar “diamond” bracelet. It’s so bright and flashy that it almost makes my rapidly aging skin that’s bedecked with age spots and wrinkles seem darker than it is.

“Krista S.” set up a bogus Twitter account last night and befriended Kim. Didn’t take long at all. Sure enough, she didn’t correct me and say it wasn’t her when I said she was such a handsome guy. rolls eyes I don’t know who that is in her profile picture but it’s definitely not her.

Kim followed me back and then I started following Aly but I haven’t tweeted, hearted or RT’d any of her tweets yet.

I noticed she tweeted to Kim that she really needs to talk to her about something important. My first thought was that she somehow knows I’m Krista, but if she did, couldn’t she have just sent her a DM? Well, I’ll find out soon. If Aly suspects me she’ll tell Kim who will block me.

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