Tuesday, October 3, 2017

While I’ve never personally owned a gun, I am all for the right to bear arms and even kill in the name of self-defense. But what happened in Las Vegas is terrible. Just terrible! The question is how to keep the right to bear arms and those arms out of the wrong hands at the same time. Until then, may the survivors heal as quickly and as efficiently as possible!

Last night I dreamed we were living in a regular neighborhood. There was a two-story house next to us and I knew that some people had just moved in and that I was probably going to have to ask them to curb their mutt’s barking as soon as I heard it, knowing they likely wouldn’t allow it indoors.

Sure enough, I was doing something in the kitchen when I heard a bark. I looked out the window and saw a smallish dog tethered not in their backyard but at the side of their house in the space that ran between our house and theirs. Knowing there was no way I was going to tolerate barking that was literally right outside our window, I headed over there.

Once outside, I spotted a woman who multiplied into half a dozen men and women in just seconds. They were in their 20s and 30s and after they introduced themselves they explained that they were renting the place. They seemed really nice, but nonetheless, I told them, “I love animals but I hate barking,” and asked that they move the dog away from our house. I don’t know how they reacted to this request because I woke up before they could answer.

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