Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Created an Imgur account to share pics to PB with.

“Hi, Virginia!” I called out to Virginia just as she stepped out of her front door to get her mail, startling her. Yeah, I’m too loud at times, I guess.

She said hello and that they’d been wondering where I was. “Have you seen Jodi?” Virginia said she and Bob asked each other just the other day.

Haha, hiding from the cold, I told her, but now that we’re having very spring-like weather (it’s supposed to reach 72° today) I’m out and about more often, so we’ll catch each other around more. Nice to know they were thinking of me, though, and even a bit concerned.

Some of the lights in the house have been flickering, particularly in the master bedroom, master bath and kitchen. It doesn’t do it all the time, though. The house is getting old so one of the breakers is probably crapping out.

Over the weekend we replaced one of the kitchen plugs that was loose and probably the real cause of the K-Cup coffee maker going out and not the coffee maker itself. So I got a new one for no reason other than that it ended up being a better coffee maker. It was still worth it and it’s still good to have a backup in case one of them breaks for real.

He also turned the front porch light into a smart light. We’ve got it set to white instead of color-changing because most of the time we use it will be if we’re looking for a package after dark.

The toe rings came yesterday and I put two of them on the doll which looks really nice. I’m not impressed with the elastic flower toe rings but the elastic gemstone toe rings are nice. The thing is that they’re a little small for my fingers while probably too big for my toes. I’ll find out later when I take off my running shoes and try one on.

Today I’m expecting my new Turbie Twist towels and some hair accessories.

The flippers are still working on the house but they’ve been doing it quietly. The trellis fence that they put up alongside the carport has solar lights attached to the top of its post that looks nice at night.

I love how I can see how often Palma checks in now that we’re connected. Silly, pointless information but still kind of neat just the same.

Last night I dreamed that while we were still living in an adult community and the Twenties were our neighbors, the layout of the park looked different. Instead of the Twenties being across the street, they were a few houses down. It was only 7:30 in the morning when I heard something loud running, and annoyed, I got up to see what it was. I saw some weird piece of equipment that almost looked like a little tractor parked in front of the Twenties and figured that whatever it was had to be important for them to be running it so early. I walked up to the thing to read the writing on it to get a sense of what it was and what was going on. On the side of the machine, it said Man-Eating Testicles. LOL

In another dream, I remember riding in a car and feeling very cold, and then there was something about Tammy calling me to say something bad about Lisa. It was either something bad that Lisa did or something bad she said about me. I quickly assured Tammy I wanted nothing to do with her.

Hell, I wish Lisa would dump Tammy or at least do something bad enough to drive Tammy away! In this day and age, I just don’t see that happening, though.

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