Friday, February 9, 2018

Yesterday the flippers were annoying on and off by pounding on something and someone was sawing in the opposite direction. The flipper house now has not a for-sale sign but a sign that says “coming soon,” as I saw when I was out walking (it’s almost too warm for walking with a sweatshirt). Good, because I was wondering how many more months they would be working on the place. Since having them here is only delaying the inevitable, let’s get it over with and find out what we’re in for as far as new neighbors go. I’m mostly worried about what kind of vehicle they’re going to have what with how loud so many of them are these days, and of course, California is obsessed with motorcycles.

The apple trees are already beginning to bloom because we’ve had such a mild winter. They don’t usually bloom until March.

No flickering lights today or yesterday, so I don’t know what that was all about or how it managed to fix itself.

Since Kinky Kathleen got over 300 views on the UK Authors site and positive feedback on a few different sites, I was thinking of offering it for free. A lot of people, like me, go looking for freebies in their preferred genres. Well, maybe if they liked it that would entice them to buy my other books. I would just like to change the name Kathleen to something else. That character’s physical appearance is based on someone I know, even though I don’t ever expect them to read it.

Yesterday and today I experienced some lightheadedness. I wonder if it’s because I waited so long to have breakfast. I would feel like this buzzing sensation in my head and then I would feel weak and lightheaded. I’m not diabetic so I’m guessing it’s just getting used to going longer before eating. The thing is I’ve already eaten and I feel a little lightheaded still. Not as much as before, though.

My message to Stacey now says it’s been delivered instead of just sent. So that means the server piped it into her device when she logged in. Even though it doesn’t say it’s been seen, it probably has been.

Same with Palma. She’s been on a few times since I sent my second message, though it’s not appearing as read. She may no longer wish to communicate, but that’s fine. I found her, I thanked her for being a support way back when, and that’s it. I wouldn’t want to be buddies with her even if she lived next door because I don’t think we have much in common. Never expected friends to have everything and anything in common with me, but too much uncommon ground can often call for a serious conflict of interest. As it is, even though Norma hasn’t said as much, at least to me, I can tell she’s coming to dislike me since we’re on different political pages. That’s fine too. I would rather be disliked for who I am than liked for who I’m not.

Many of my messages on Facebook appear to be seen that I don’t get replies to. Are they sending replies that I’m not getting or are they blowing me off?

Like when I asked Marie how things were going with her girlfriend. I noticed the picture of them disappeared from her wall, so maybe this one is already over. No big surprise. With the way Marie is, she’s really doomed when it comes to love. People tend to seek out those that are like them yet two screwed-up people only screw each other up more. Yet she can’t get anyone stable because they’re usually not willing to put up with those who aren’t.

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