Thursday, February 15, 2018

With yet another borrow of Evil Amongst the Evergreens, this time with 368 pages read, I feel even more inspired to write. I always write no matter what because it’s fun and what I like to do, but just when I was considering quitting and thinking it might not be worth the work to submit stuff for publication on Amazon, the rise in sales inspired me to keep on plugging away. I still doubt I’ll ever make much doing it, but it’s nice to get royalty checks that can buy more than a loaf of bread.

I set up house at Writers Cafe because I had issues submitting the first part of Campus Games on the UK site. Hopefully, if I have any errors someone will point them out.

We still have intermittent flickering of our lights in parts of the house and Tom got a tool that beeps when placed within the magnetic field of live wires. This will add extra assurance that he doesn’t go electrocuting himself when he goes to fix it.

There’s talk about them having electric cars and even electric motorcycles. It would be so nice to have quieter vehicles out there, but by the time they get everything changed over, I’ll probably be an old lady if not dead.

Unfortunately, not even the nights are quiet a lot of the time. They’re certainly quieter than the daytime but at night I hear plenty of planes and freeway traffic. That kind of background noise isn’t nearly as annoying as traffic roaring by the bedroom or loud landscaping equipment, but sometimes I just want to hear nothing at all. Yet you almost never hear silence here.

I changed the extensions of my documents to docx so I can use them in both word processors. They both have their pros and cons. The new one is less crashy but I can’t figure out how to stop it from putting a blank character at the start of every paragraph.

So far so good today, but last night I got anxious enough that I started getting frustrated and almost cried. I still worry this is mostly on the pills. Tom says so just skip, and yeah, I can do that but not without suffering first since it’s not like I can know in advance when it’s going to strike. To think I might have to deal with this the rest of my life is pretty damn overwhelming since I can’t exactly quit my meds if it really is on that. I’ve still got quite a ways to go before I find out for sure, too. Still think I have a minimum of 2-3 years before I hit menopause. My body tried and made another botched attempt to generate a period. It will try again and keep trying until It succeeds.

Kind of funny how I have a dream a week or two ago about Aly visiting and cooking us dinner and then she tells me she’s thinking of coming out here.

Last night I dreamed I was rearranging furniture and beds somewhere and it was nighttime. The place was pitch dark. I didn’t have any lights on inside and I was scared that there was an intruder inside the place with me. I went out on the front stoop to wait for Tom and it was also very dark out there.

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