Saturday, April 14, 2018

As I’m being told by one person and then another and another that they downloaded my book via KU, I’m sitting here wondering why nothing is showing up on my sales reports. Doubting that all these people were lying, I started to suspect Amazon may be ripping me off. Well, in a sense my hunch is right, thanks to new devices.

It’s no wonder! This really pisses me off, too. It’s like I’m literally writing stories and then paying Amazon to sell them. I always did feel like something put me here to be an asset and a profit to others and all at my expense. Well, no more! Amazon gets most of my book sale money as it is and so I edited the pricing of each book and disallowed for lending. Now people will have to buy my books. I still may not be paid fairly for what few sales I make but at least I’ll get something. I thought of jacking the price up to where I’m pocketing more of the sales than Amazon but wonder if that may lower my chances of making any sales. Everyone wants stuff for free or close to it. I almost never pay for the books I read. I’ll keep it at $.99 and see how I do without allowing for lending for a while and then I’ll try jacking up the price to maybe $4.99. If that doesn’t do me any good I may hang it up altogether. If I’m going to work this hard for virtually nothing then I may as well do it just for fun only rather than have to be so overly picky about editing and things like that. I really don’t think it was meant to be. It would’ve taken off by now if it was but I certainly can’t say I didn’t try. It’s like with the weight; if your body doesn’t respond to diet and exercise then the extra weight was probably meant to be there.

This explains why the order of books listed on my reports has changed a few times yet no sales or reviews appeared. Maybe “M” really wasn’t Maliheh, though that’s not what my gut tells me. Guess I’ll never know for sure, but like I said, it really pisses me off even though I probably only lost a few dollars. Wonder if Kathleen was any of those borrowers?

Despite not getting paid for my work, a very special thanks to my new beta reader, Aly, for acting as a secondary editor! At first, I didn’t want to bother her by asking if she’d read for me, but she said she’d gladly do it during her downtime and I assured her it wasn’t like I’d be emailing her a manuscript every week or anything like that. Even editing novellas is a HUGE job that takes time.

Tom and I chatted with the Twenties yesterday. They verified that it was the Internet company that was out but they don’t know what or if they’re going to do anything at all.

I was discussing heart rates with other people and I realize that everyone has their own normal HR. It’s no real cause for alarm for me if my HR goes a little over 100, but I can see where even the 80s would be a concern for some people with HRs much lower than mine.

Although I’m still not as used to the heat as I used to be when I was younger, skinny and living in the desert, I noticed I was more tolerant of it when out walking yesterday, again suggesting I could be very close to menopause and through the worst of the peri. It’s going to cool down and rain a little again, though.

Told the McClellan Sacramento airport on Google+, for whatever good it may do, that if they’re the ones flying around so much of the time, especially at night, it’s annoying as hell. Really hope we don’t live next to a small airstrip ever again. I’d rather commercial planes even though they’re louder. Small planes have an annoying buzz to them like a mosquito or a fly buzzing in your ear.

After four or five hours of crashing, something loud drove by and woke me up at 8 AM. I lay there for a half-hour and then I got up and made coffee. Still tired, I took a baby Benadryl to relax me enough to fall back asleep. Got back up at 1 PM and have been a little groggy ever since. I started off feeling like I felt Wednesday. I’m tired of this up-and-down with the energy. Lately, it’s hit or miss as to whether or not I’ll have the energy to work out. Hopefully, going up to five doses a week instead of four as I plan to do in a week will give me more energy without making me anxious.

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