Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Okay, robofuckers, I just blocked every area code in the country except for CT, NE, FL, OH and CA. Well, I did block FL. Just not Tammy’s area code. Most of the calls do seem to be originating from the East. I checked some of the latest area codes and they came from Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina and Maryland. I think I saw Mississippi and Arkansas as well. I was getting an average of 3 a day, so we’ll see if this helps. With good friends in Nebraska and Connecticut and Tammy preparing to move to Ohio, I didn’t want to block those States. I’ll block Tammy’s area code once she’s out of there.

Tom had to pull his app TapQuickTap off because there was a problem with the privacy policy. I was just about to tell people to go look it up, too. He fixed the issues and resubmitted it so hopefully they won’t reject it. Could be a day or two before it’s back up, though.

I hope I’m wrong and that I’m pleasantly surprised in the end but I just don’t have a good feeling about this. I just get the feeling it’s not meant to be. Just because you may be good at something and deserving of it doesn’t mean it’s necessarily meant to be. I just don’t think anything up there wants us making extra money on the side. If it did, he would be paid the national average, especially for this state, and I might be able to hold a schedule and work. He thinks the apps will eventually generate a few hundred dollars a month and while I think he’s being naively optimistic, it certainly can’t hurt to try!

I have declared my CampNano project, Gone. 5 days until cabin assignment, 11 days until writing begins. I’m ready to start but at the same time, I still need to give my last book its final read-through.

I was chatting about the mama’s boy with Carolyn and she agrees it’s frustrating, they make comments every time they hear his car, Joy does show favoritism, it’s so wrong, and she keeps praying they move away.

Ooh, the power of prayer! Yeah, that’ll work. Just like that woman suffering from postpartum depression I saw on an episode of Deadly Women who was told by her priest to pray her depression away. Instead of getting medication, she goes home, finds prayer is a joke, and ends up killing her entire family. So damn the person who created the God fantasy and brainwashed nearly everyone into buying that crap!

Although…there are still certain things that make me wonder. Sometimes I really do wonder if something could be up there. I just don’t know that it’s anything I would want to call a friend. But when the same things happen one too many times, be it a good thing or a bad, I do wonder.

Anyway, I heard the bastard leave after it came and went yesterday, so once again I’m not sure that he’s actually living here. Well, he’s living here, he’s just not always sleeping here. I hadn’t even been up a few hours when I heard the bastard three times. I just can’t always tell what direction he’s going so I don’t know if I heard him come or go the last time. I just know that his asshole parents will be here as long as we are and then we’ll hope the loudest car in our future neighborhood can’t wrap around three sides of us or get as close. There’s got to be some reason Joy’s been protecting them and that can only be because they’re friends. Can’t think of any other reason she would protect them. Just too lazy to do anything about their shit? She doesn’t strike me as the lazy type. They gotta be tight. I still don’t think Kristy knows that Joy’s covering their asses either.

Speaking of Kristy, I saw a picture of Carolyn with what looked like Kristy but when I asked if that was her, she didn’t answer, which pretty much was my answer. Sometimes people’s lack of an answer is enough to answer my question. That saying about silence speaking a thousand words often rings true. Poor Kristy, though, trying to get Joy to do the right thing while being left completely in the dark while she’s at it, not knowing she’s submitting people’s complaints to their very protector.

Been loving the absence of planes this last week but I know it won’t last forever. Last night was amazingly quiet. No planes of any kind, no helicopters, no nothing. But every time summer sets in, it gets unseasonably cool. Today and yesterday have been really hot at around 100°, but tonight it’s supposed to drop to 57° and only get up to 86°. I’ll go out for a quick jog at about 9.

Through experimenting, Tom and I have been finding out what seems to work the way we hear it does and what doesn’t. Neither of us buys that protein fights hunger. There just doesn’t seem to be a connection there.

He thinks it would, but I don’t think it’s true that the more calories we burn, the more we lose, but I’m about to find out. See, I think it’s all in not consuming that many calories to begin with. Remember, I did those HIIT routines for 90 minutes where you burn 1000 calories and it didn’t affect me at all. This was right before I was diagnosed. I don’t think, for example, you can eat 2000 calories, burn 1000 calories, and “trick” your body into thinking it only ate 1000 calories. I think you have to not eat those extra 1000 calories in the first place. But next week I’m going to burn 1000 calories every day and see what happens. When I don’t actively count calories which is pretty much never these days, I naturally have about 1500 to 1800 a day.

I’m not going to do HIIT routines. I’m going to walk at a slow but comfortable pace for 5 hours while I do the things I usually do on my laptop. Maybe not all at once, though. If I walk at 2.5 MPH, I can burn about 200 calories.

The older I get, the more I bitch about losing pieces of myself like pretty much everyone does…my vision, my memory, my libido, etc. Well, when will one of those “pieces” be my appetite?

This is the first day since the biopsy that I have less irritation down there.

Oh great. Now Molly’s inserting herself into mine and Aly’s conversation on Twitter. Figured it was just a matter of time. rolls eyes I’m going to ignore her for now. I thought about protecting my tweets but I want to keep rejection as a last resort. Reject Molly and she’ll be more determined to get at you. She’s changed but then she also hasn’t. Looked in on her own tweets last night and it’s still the same old obsession about Roman. Shows me she still has the same stalking tendencies I’ve always known her to have so I would prefer to keep things amicable and not get on her shit list.

I had another dream Alyssa was in where I was prank calling her on what I knew to be a landline number of hers, not that I would ever do such a thing. We ended up going out to dinner together and I was thinking how glad I was that I didn’t make too many prank calls that would cause her to change the number. Then I wondered if she had any idea that I was the one behind the calls.

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